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A/N: The Bede thing still happened with everything he's done to impress Chairman Rose and regrets it. (So please stop asking me because yes it did happen but since this x reader is about Bede things changed yada yada)

You walked out of the Ballonlea gym with a badge in your hands.

"Hey Inteleon, I have three more badges to collect. Can you believe  that? We're really on our way..!" You smiled.

Inteleon who was a lot taller than you have you a thumbs up.

It was almost like your journey has started yesterday yet you've come so far already.

It was the incident back then where you began to think about. Bede was disqualified out of the gym challenge for trying to steal wishing stars and destroy an old artifact. Poor Bede.

Yet..... What did that kiss me when he wished you good luck at Ballonlea gym?

You headed back to Hammerlocke to take the other way to Circhester. In front of you, you saw Bede standing there.

You walked up to him slowly.

"You." Bede said.

"Y-Yeah... Can I help you Bede...?" You  asked.

"I've been.... Disqualified... I'm such a disappointment to Chairman Rose and not just that but to myself. I was happy about doing this challenge just to impress him yet I couldn't do it... That's why.." Bede took out his poke balls.

"Let's have a battle, you and me. Now." Bede said.

You didn't want to battle him since you've already went through too much battles. You wanted to rest and play around with your pokemon.

"No Bede I don't want to..." You said.

"Show me right here and now you're strong unless you're a weakling and you just don't want to battle me." Bede smirked.

You were about to take out your pokeballs when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Hang on there just a second young one." The voice of Opal said.

You and Bede stared in shock as you saw Opal.

"Ms. Opal..! What are you doing here??" Bede asked.

"You there, young trainer with the pink." Opal pointed at Bede.

She walked closer to him and began to check out his clothes.

"Pink! Pink! Pink! Oh, you're perfect! You're perfect to replace me when I retire from my gym!" Opal began to clap and grabbed on to Bede's arm.

"Come with me kid, if Chairman Rose won't have you. I'll take you under my wing, we'll train and make you better. We'll show everyone out there the elegance of fairy types." Opal laughed.

"W-Wait Ms. Opal where are we going..?! I want to continue to battle Y/N! Let go of me!" Bede yelled.

"Nonsense child, you'll be coming with me." Opal kept tugging on Bede.

"Y/N...! When I finish with this I want you to meet me by Circhester! We'll have a battle together! The two of us! Get your gym badge and then battle me!" Bede yelled, being dragged away by Opal.

You laughed a little to yourself seeing that Opal had taken interest in Bede. You wanted to see but couldn't waste time considering how you still have to catch up to Hop.

You went up ahead and saw Hop and Raihan standing near the train station. Once you ran up to them Hop seemed to smile.

"Hey Y/N, I was just waiting on you so we can go together like we usually do. To Circhester!" Hop said with an enlightened smile on his face.

Hop ran up ahead of you not looking back but paused at the end of the bridge to Hammerlocke just to take a look at you.

Speaking of which... I should probably tell him... Hiding it will only make things difficult for him.

"Hey Hop, can we talk about something? Well there was something I was meaning to tell you but when I try to I get this nervous feeling." You smiled.

"Isn't that what Lee and Sonia call romance...?" Hop asked.

You felt your face heat up but nodded.

"I-I uhm..." Hop looked away.

"Hoo boy, is it hot in here or what?" Hop said.

"I like Bede." You nervously let out.

Hop turned towards you in surprise.

"F-Figures...! I had it right all along..!" Hop smiled.

"You knew all this time...?! Did I really have to go through the trouble of telling you then...??!" You shouted.

"Hey..! I already knew there was signs of it once you started hanging out with the mutt more plus in a conversation we had well..." Hop looked away.

~~Hop's pov, during the battle with Bede~~

"Why do you hate me so much...! You always call me these names and seem to be annoyed just being around me!" I shouted at Bede.

Bede stared at me with anger in his face, he looked as if he wanted to murder me alive here and now.

"That's none of your concern acorn hair! Focus on the battle!" Bede yelled.

"Why are you so friendly towards Y/N and not me?! Do you have a problem with me?? If so spit it out!" I frowned.

I realized Bede had defeated me, I had no pokemon left.

"... It's because of you and Y/N." Bede said.

"....What about me and Y/N..." I asked.

"You two are so close it's like you're dating! You both are very touchy and seem to care about one another so much-"

"That's because I'm not hostile towards Y/N like you." I said, confident in myself.

"Y/N likes kind people, well at least hangs out with the type of kind person who will appreciate her... And... WE'RE NOT DATING...! SOME PEOPLE MISTAKEN US FOR DATING BUT I COULD NEVER, SHE'S TOO GREAT FOR ME..!" I said nervously.

"T-Then... How can I get close to her...? Each time I try to, I get awkward around her. She's just..."

"Cute? Sweet? Yeah I know, a lot of people say that. Sonia and Leon can't help but always say how adorable Y/N is and all. They act like she's a pet or something but she just has this charm ya know? Heck sometimes I can even think that too." I nervously smiled.

"Back off acorn hair, I did not tell you that you can start saying things about her like that!" Bede shouted.

"Who are you to tell me to back off?! You two aren't even dating!" I yelled.

"I want to win her over, how do I do that?" Bede looked at me.

"I-I don't know..! I'm not some sort of love expert! I'm only good at eating and battling! Just be flirty around her or something. Give her some flowers? I dunno, maybe something she'll enjoy??"

~~Y/N's pov~~

You were shocked to hear Hop say all that.

"Look, I'm not going to stand in the way of your happiness. You are free to have romantic feelings for anyone. After all I want you to be happy and still be my friend." Hop nervously smiled.

"Really...?" You said.

"Y-Yeah... But if Bede ever gives you a bad time I'll kick his face in!" Hop clenched his fist.

You ran up to Hop and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for being supportive of me." You said.

"No... Thank you for being supportive to me." Hop said.

Well... At least he knows now.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now