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Once you walked up ahead and found the exit to the Galar Mine you noticed a familiar person standing in front of you with his arms crossed. You looked down with a bit of anger in your face.

"Why did it have to be him out of all people...?" You thought in your head.

Bede turned around, revealing that cocky look on his face.

"One step closer and we'll have to battle soon." Bede smirked.

"What do you want...?" You asked Bede.

"Isn't it obvious? Your wishing star, if I defeat you here and now you'll give me your wishing star or I'll take it from you by force." Bede pulled out his pokeballs from his pocket.

"Fine, only to get you to shut up." You took out your pokeballs too.

You ended up having a pokemon battle with Bede. Each time he'd be very confident in himself but you slowly destroyed a little of his confidence the more of his pokemon were defeated. Once you defeated Bede he looked very angry.

"You only won because I was going easy on you...!" Bede couldn't even look you in the eyes as he handed you pounds.

"That's what you get for being so cocky! Maybe you shouldn't act that way Mr. Jerk." You smiled.

"Shut it! I could've won if I hadn't been distracted!" Bede couldn't get himself together at this point.

You were about to pass through the exit when you felt Bede grasp your hand that had the wishing star bracelet.

"Hey! I clearly won!" You yelled.

Bede tried to snatch the wishing star off your hand but it wasn't until you gave him a quick smack in the face. The smack you have Bede sounded loud to the point where you can hear it echo in the cave.

"Tch-" You heard Bede say.

You ran away before he could say anything, you didn't look back but arrived to the next town, Turrfield. You saw Hop up ahead waiting for you.

"Hey Y/N! What took you so long?!" Hop asked.

"It was him... Bede. I ran into him in the cave and well we had a battle. He wanted my wishing star." You explained.

"That jerk, always being so cocky just because he was endorsed by the chairman. Who does he think he is some millionaire?" Hop nodded.

Hop seemed to understand what you meant which made you feel a bit better.

"Oh speaking of which, I want you to have this!" Hop gave you some potions and fresh water.

"Thank you, I could use a little of this since my pokemon need a break at some point." You smiled.

You began to think about how you smacked Bede across the face. It made you feel a little bit guilty for some reason.

"Hey, what's wrong mate?" Hop asked, looking at you with a concerning face.

"I don't know it's just..." You looked down.

Hop wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"You can tell me, we're friends after all!" Hop smiled.

Hop always made you feel like you had someone to talk to. He made you feel at ease, so much for being your best friend.

"Well remember when I said I encountered Bede well..." You told Hop about what happened between you and Bede and that it was making you feel guilty for smacking him.

"He deserved it!" Hop yelled.

"You really think so?" You looked over at Hop.

"He tried to steal your wishing star! The dummy deserves it! If I get my hands on him I swear we're going to battle!" Hop confidently said.

You laughed a little in what Hop said and gave him a little flick on the head with your finger.

"Thanks Hop but that won't be necessary. Bede is my rival after all." You nodded.

You walked with Hop into the Pokemon center since it was getting a little late. You asked Nurse Joy if you and Hop can kick in here for the night in which she agreed and gave you two a room with seperate beds.

You sat down the bed but saw Hop throw himself on to the bed.

"How relaxing, I hate sleeping in my tent... You have any idea how hard it is to sleep with sounds in the way and a hard floor to sleep on with zero comfort?" Hop complained.

"I get you." You agreed.

"I miss my bed." Hop sighed.

"I miss my bed and my mum." You sighed.

Hop turned away and eventually fell asleep on the bed. You in other words couldn't get yourself to sleep well so you went to go look around. You peaked a little and saw Nurse Joy attending a familiar person.

It was Bede, he was waiting for her to hand back his pokemon.

You clenched your fist in anger a little, trying hard not to confront Bede.

Once Nurse Joy handed over Bede's pokemon he sent them out and began to pet his pokemon, being all kind to them and playing around.

You stared in shock.

"Excuse me...? Is this the same Bede I know...?" You said in your mind.

Bede laughed a little and played around with them until one of them which was his Hatenna walked over you with a happy look in it's face.

"Hello there..." You slightly smiled.

"Hatenna come back here!" Bede yelled.

Bede was about to come towards you, you quickly ran away before you knew it.

~~Bede's pov~~

I saw a figure of a girl run away, wait do I know her? I walked up to my Hatenna and picked it up the ground.

"What are you doing randomly going up to strangers! You should know better Hatenna!" I scolded Hatenna.

Hatenna looked a little upset from that.

"It's not your fault don't worry... I forgive you." I hugged Hatenna.

Hatenna hugged me back.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You ran towards your bed and threw yourself on it, wrapping a blanket around you, Sobble, and Eevee. You hoped Bede didn't see you when Hatenna came up to you.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now