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Camila's POV

I took the last note on my notebook and then looked back at my professor. He laid back on his chair and fixed his glasses over his nose. It was monday morning and we were on his office going over some last assignments for his class.

"I think that's all", he said checking on his laptop.

"Ok", I replied.

"You can go now, Camila. Thank you for everything".

"My pleasure", I said back to him with a smile.

He stood up and walked around the desk of his office to open the door for me while I grabbed my bag.

"See you in a few days", he smiled at me.


The word got trapped in mouth as a tall man stomped into the office, rushing throw the door and stardling me. His perfume quickly took over the space we were sharing.

"Alright. Goodbye, Camila", said my professor completely ignoring the guy next to us.

I hesitated for a while and then walked in between them to leave the office. No one said a word and I felt the stranger's gaze on me all the time. I turned around and waved one last goodbye at my professor before he closed the door with the guy still inside.

Yes, that was odd and confusing but I tried not to think much about it as I made my way down the hall and outside the old building. I had a lot to do and I should better get going if I didn't want to be behind on my duties later.

Being a teacher assistant has been fun, so fun that I might have discovered that maybe teaching was the thing for me. I had applied for the position to be a T.A. this semester for the undergraduate course while I was finishing my Master. It was really an amazing opportunity that would look great on my resume, plus I was really enjoying it so far.

As this was the last thing on my to-do list for the day, I decided to take a walk home. Perks of living near the university. I stopped quickly by the store to get some groceries and then enjoyed the afternoon in my apartment. I had discovered I was good at being alone... maybe too good?

On wednesday, I decided to go over the papers my professor had asked me to grade at the univerisity coffee shop. It was already late and I was just trying to decide whether to buy another chai latte before going home or not when a tall figure walked through the door and immediately recognized him from Mr. M's office.

More than one person turned to see him when he made his way to the counter and waited in line to order. His slim and tall figure could not go unnoticed. I remember thinking he was handsome the first time I saw it a couple of days ago, but it was so weird of an encounter that I couldn't really register his features on my brain. He had pale skin, rosy cheeks, brown curly hair and nice lips. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a white shirt with some pokes on it.

I was so fascinated staring at him that I didn't noticed when he turned his head and caught me checking him out. I quickly went back to the pieces of paper in front of me.

Could he have recognized me? I didn't think I was that remarkable, but maybe I could get closer and say hi.

I raised my eyes at him again and he was ordering. "Two black coffess", I saw him mouth at the barista. He paid for his order and then moved to the side while he waited.I was giving myself a pep talk to have enough courage to go talk to him, but then I saw him get his order and moved to the door. Fuck, that was a miss opportunity.

My breathing stopped when he gave me one last look before leaving the place. I didn't know how just a stare had the power to give me shivers and make my mouth dry, but his stare did it. I giggled alone because a guy I didn't know at all had just made my body shake out of the blue. Weird. I checked the hour on my phone when I woke up from my stupor. Maybe I was too single for my own good.

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