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Camila's POV

I sat on the doctor's office telling her about my symptoms. I had been pushing making an appointment because I was hoping it was nothing, but Oliver convinced when he came over to see me and said I looked paler than usual. I had been feeling extra tired lately and I first thought it was just normal considering how busy my life was, but maybe there was something more to that.

"Any pain or other symptoms?", the doctor asked me.

"No, that would be all", I said.

"We'll have to run some exams just to be sure. This could go from anemia to something more complicated, but we'll take a look at that, alright?"

"Ok, thank you".

I was crossing my fingers this was just anemia and I could control it with vitamins and iron. I had seen how bad other have had it and I was terrified of going through a similar diagnosis.

I scheduled my exams to be done Thursday morning. If everything was good, I would be attending that restaurant inauguration Shawn was working on with a weight off my shoulders.

I didn't say a thing to Shawn because he already had enough and I preferred to know what was wrong with me before worrying him.

"Do you want me to go with you?", Mandy asked me on the phone.

I had only told her about my visit to the doctor and no one else, not even my parents.

"I can ask for a day off", she added.

"No, it's ok. I can go alone", I told her.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell Shawn?", she whispered.

"Yes. I'll tell him eventually, when I know what's going on but I don't want to worry him before that. Plus, he's excited with his job, I don't want to ruin it".

"Well, I think it's fine if you're gonna tell him soon".

"I will", I assured her.

"I'm sure you're just stressed and need some vacations. I know I do!", she chuckled. "We should go somewhere, or maybe just booked us some spa time".

I appreciated so much that she always tried to cheer me up, no matter the context.

"We should", I agreed. "Regardless of what happens".

"Let's do it", she said.

The exams were supposed to be done very early in the morning and I couldn't eat anything until it was all done. I hated leaving the house without breakfast because I always felt nauseous and lightheaded. It didn't help that I didn't do good around needles.

"Any current condition?", the nurse asked.

"No", I said.

"Any medicine you're taking?"

"Just birth control".

She finished filling up the chart and then asked me to rolled up my shirt sleeve. I looked away when she grabbed the needle and put it near my arm.

"Relax", she said with a kind smile.

I tried, I really did, but I was scared and nervous.

I was oddly glad Shawn and I hadn't seen each other, because honestly, I wouldn't be able to hide this from him to his face. I also preferred texting him to calling on the phone for the same reason. He was busy and anxious with the upcoming event, so I don't think he even noticed.

I took a seat on the same room waiting for the doctor to check my exams on Friday around noon. I couldn't control my foot tapping the floor, I just couldn't handle it.

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