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Camila's POV

I heard the knock on the door and Shawn checking that. Then I heard my in-laws making their way into our apartment. So early? I thought and that was exactly what Shawn said to them. I couldn't get what they answered but then their footsteps came closer and Shawn pushed the door opened and found me on the rocking chair breastfeeding Alex.

"Hey", Shawn whispered. "They have an offer".

"Hi", I said to Karen and Aaliyah that were smiling at me, suspicious smiles.

"Hi, darling", Karen said back to me and then eyed her children before speaking again. "So, we were thinking... Since we don't have much time here, because we're leaving right after Christmas, and we won't be able to hang again with Alex in probably months, why don't you let us spend the day with him and you can also take a day off?"

"What do you mean?", I asked her because it just sounded so good to be true.

"Leave Alex with us today, we'll babysit", Aaliyah replied excited.

"Are you sure?", I questioned again. They really wanted to spend a day with a baby that could probably cry the whole time?

"Yes", Karen said adamant. "It would be just one day, we can survive it. Plus, I know how amazing having a day off sound".

"Just if you are ok with it", Shawn told me.

It wasn't that I didn't trust them with my baby, of course I did. I was just shocked that they were offering to do this, it almost felt too good to be true.

"Oh God... thank you", I sighed completely overwhelmed with happiness.

I loved my son, I loved him so much, but a day without him, knowing that he was going to be safe and sound without me sounded perfect. I could almost cry of how thankful I was.

"Thank you, sweetie", Karen said and we began to prepare everything so they could take him with them.

Shawn and I gave them a big bag with everything they could need, like diapers, clothes, formula, blankets, stuff animals, emergency phone numbers. All that we could think of.

"Thank you for doing this", I said to Karen when they were leaving.

"Don't worry. Enjoy your day", she hugged me.

I almost cried when I said goodbye to Alex that was on her auntie Aaliyah's arm.

"Be a good baby", I said like if he could actually do as I told him. He just sucked on his pacifier.

Shawn drove them back to the Airbnb because we didn't want them in a stranger's car or walking down the street with this cold.

It was such a weird thing to have the place for myself again. I hadn't been alone here in what felt so long. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the silence before getting into the shower. If I was correct, and lucky, Shawn and I were spending the day catching up where we left it last night before Alex requested our pressence and killed the mood. I could literally feel my heart pumping inside my chest at how excited I was.

I was rinsing the conditioner from my hair when the bathroom door opened and I jumped knowing exactly who was on the other side of the shower curtain.

"I know you appreciate showers very much but... I'm here begging you to let me join you", his sweet voice said.

My stomach exploded with butterflies just thinking of him pressing his naked body against mine while water poured over us.

"You can join me", I told him slowly and heard him frantically get of his clothes.

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