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Camila's POV

"Shawn... have you seen my keys?", I asked from the living room while he brushed his teeth on the bathroom.

"Wait", he mumbled.

I needed to go if I wanted to get to the university on time, but my keys were not were I always put them and I couldn't leave without them.

"I never pictured you like one of those people that loses their keys daily", he commented coming to help me.

"I'm not", I pouted. "Not every day, at least. This has to be some pregnancy symptom".

"One day she will stop blaming you for everything", he talked to my belly and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't say that", I slapped him softly. "I'm not blaming him or her, I'm blaming you".

He stood up in front of me with the keys tingling in his hand. I went to grab them but he put his hand up where it was impossible for me to get them.

"C'mon, I'm gonna be late", I complained.

"You'll have to kiss me and say sorry because it's not only my fault that you're pregnant. I'm not responsible for you being so irresistible", he said.

I shook my head and took a deep breath before saying what he wanted. He was so childish yet mature, it was a strange combination.

"And don't forget it", he warned me before letting go of my lips.

"Bye", I said getting my keys and kissing him goodbye.

I made it just on time and the class went as planned. Well, almost. The scent of coffee was everywhere as it was normal in any university, and I could barely handle it. I locked myself in my office to get away from that when the class was over because I still had some more work to do there.

I couldn't wait for these symptoms to go away. I hated feeling sick and weak because I was always so energetic. Now my energy was drained, my skin was oily and my stomach was in a weird mood constantly. I almost started crying when I thought of this but I kicked myself mentally to get my head in the game again. I was a strong woman and I was going to get through this. I had Shawn, I had his family and I had mom and Sofi with me

My dad hadn't reached to me yet and that was heartbreaking. I was not going to call him because I was not saying sorry to him and I knew that was what he wanted. It killed me that my dad wasn't on board with me becoming a mom, but my pride was big and the love I already had for this baby was even bigger, so I wasn't letting that affect me too much.

Around noon, I had finished all my tasks on my to do list of the day so I got ready to go home.

Shawn wasn't there when I arrived and I had no idea where he had gone because he didn't mentioned anything this morning. I sat on the sofa with a bowl of cherry tomatoes and watched a sitcom to kill time until my boyfriend was home to give me attention.

I eventually fell asleep and only woke up to the sound of the door opening. My eyes were still getting used to the light when Shawn appeared in front of me.

"Hey, baby", he said.

"Hi. Where were you?", I asked him yawning.

"Working", he smiled.

"Really? Where? How?"

"Well... A friend said that some of her friends had liked my work at that inauguration I worked at a few-".

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