Chapter 1 - Only The Beginning

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You wouldn't say you were the luckiest girl in the world, but you were far from the most unfortunate. You thought you had it all, a healthy family, a large group of friends, an amazing quirk, and an even better boyfriend.

When your class took a trip to Boston, as some sort of historical experience, you had the rather unfortunate experience of encountering a villain. It also seemed to be more unfortunate as you found yourself at the top of a rather high skyscraper at the time of the attack.

I won't get into the details because you weren't even too sure of them. The villain, causing a ruckus, flung a girl out of the window he had broken in through, and off the building almost 50 stories tall. Your body, as all great stories start, moved on its own as you dove for the young girl, eyes fixated on her outreached hand.

Your mind acted quickly as you tried to do anything to survive the fall. What a stupid idea it was to jump, but it was all you could think to do. Grabbing the girl's hand you shot fire from your feet, trying to slow yourself down in any way you could. It began to slow yout fall a bit, but the effort was in vain as you lost control, feet wobbling in the air and plunging down once more.

With all the strength you could muster up, and a shit ton of adrenaline, you broke the fall. In the split second while your feet touched the ground, you collapsed the earth beneath you so you wouldn't feel the full force of the earth on your at once, resulting in a massive crater forming around you. This, combined with a massive wave of wind to help cushion the fall, caused a massive uproar of dust, covering an entire block.

The girl was fine, physically. She laid in your arms trembling, but you knew she was safe, and that's all that mattered. You, on the outside, appeared fine which was the most shocking part. On the inside you felt as though you were going to throw up, having just fallen 50 stories after all.

By the time you gathered yourself and your sanity, your classmates had made it down to bombard you with various questions. The cameras began flashing and before you knew it you were surrounded. As you looked around, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, you could see a swat team heading into the building, and various reporters trying to assess the situation.

It all happened so quickly, that you could barely grasp the fact that you survived a fall of that height. As any reporter would do, they tried to question you, but the police as well as your teacher needed to get everyone out of the area as soon as possible given there was still some sort of villain in the building.

Because of the events that took place that day, all parents were informed of the situation, and the field trip was cut a day short. A part of you felt guilty, but deep down you were just happy the small girl was okay.

Your class was to spend their last night in the hotel. The next morning the buses would be there to pick you up. The day seemed to not be off to a good start, and became even worse when you got a call from your mother. It was related to an issue you knew would meet it's end, but still shocking news.

"Honey," she started, that's how you knew it was bad. "I know you're probably busy getting the last of your fun in, but if you have a moment to talk that would be great." The calmness she approached the issue with let you know almost immediately that something was wrong.

You sighed, walking away from your half packed suitcase which you'd been busy filling. "Your father and I," she started, confirming your suspicions. "We're in a bit of a tough situation right now. In a few days we'll be be signing the papers to finalize the divorce. We've talked about this before, and if you remember, you'll be staying with me still, but we've already begun to plan, and... I think it would be best if we separated sooner than later," your mother spoke, a certain shakiness in her voice.

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