Chapter 16 ~ Unlucky Part 3 (final)

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(y/n) Pov

12:00 AM

I woke up with a huge headache, I couldn't exactly remember what had happened to me at first, but then it hit me like a bus. I buried my head into my knees, drenched in sweat from the stress. As I took in my surroundings, I noticed I was in Recovery Girl's office and my phone and clothes were set neatly next to me. There was a not that read I hope that when you wake up you feel all better, I also hope that you can make it home safely, be careful because you have a concussion - recovery girl. I sighed and changed into my clothes, not bothering to check my phone as it was most likely flooded with texts from my classmates.

It was 12:30 by the time I left school. I still had a huge headache which was from my concussion but I didn't live that far away. It was a silent and peaceful walk which I enjoyed, unlike most people, I was completely calm, I was still feeling for vibrations of other peoples steps but I wasn't scared.

Once I reached my house, I went inside and set my bag down. My mom was sitting on the couch and I went to the sink to get a glass of water. As I filled my cup, I got a sudden urge to check my texts, There was one from almost every person in the class, even Katsuki.

Home slice (Katsuki)

Text me when you get home, I couldn't wait for you at school, sorry



Haha, Isn't it past your bedtime, I just got back


Home slice

Ok then, hope you're ok, I'm going to sleep so Gn





I closed out of his messages and looked at my mom's. I opened it up and what I saw shocked me.


Hey honey, I'm really sorry about what happened but I had to leave town urgently and will have to stay the night at a hotel, I brought your sisters with me so just text any of us if you need anything


I closed out of the message and felt a hot breath on my neck, "surprise," I heard a shrill males voice say. I felt strong hands grab me but I sent out a gust of wind towards him and shot the water in my cup at him. The man looked pissed and pulled out a handgun. He shot a bullet at me which broke the window and I ran upstairs. The man fired about five more gunshots at me and I reached my room. as fast as could, I got into my attic space and hid there.

My head was pounding as I heard the man come into my room. "where are you little girl, come on, I just wanna see you, maybe we could play a little game," the man hissed. I wanted to cry but I held the tears in just in case he heard me. I couldn't call the police because I dropped my phone while running, stupid I know, and I couldn't fight him because he had a gun so I just decided to wait it out and hope someone would come.

Katsuki Bakugou Pov

I had just rested my head down when I heard faint gunshots, It didn't bother me so I closed my eyes. As I was bout to fall asleep, the old bitch came bursting through my door yelling incoherent words and then running out. I could make out a few of then like 'stay' and 'police' but I thought she was drunk. The faint sound of sirens could be heard in the distance and I jolted up as they neared closer. The police cars stopped in front of (y/n)'s house and I felt like my heart stopped along with them.

(y/n) Pov

I could make out sirens in the distance and let out a loud sigh, maybe too loud. The door was thrown open and I was dragged out of my hiding place by the man. I tried to use my quirk to blow wind at him but it didn't work. I kept on being dragged until we reached the front lawn. Cop cars were lined outside of my house and I looked over to Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou on their front lawn and just as I tried to look away, I saw Katsuki run out and look at me with fear. The man placed me in front of him and held me at gunpoint. "If you shoot me, you shoot her too," the man said with a menacing laugh. I felt his hand slip for the slightest second and took that as an opportunity, as I slipped free the man shot at me but missed. I ran to the back and the police got to the man and held him in cuffs.

I let out a relieved sigh as they took him away. A police officer came up to me and asked me a few questions which I replied to. I was going to go inside until I heard multiple sets of feet race towards me and two arms wrap around me. I looked behind to see Mitsuki hugging me and Katsuki and Masaru looking at you wide-eyed. I gave the two boys a large grin which Masaru returned but Katsuki just stared, I saw his eyes start to water and Mitsuki let go. Katsuki walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his head on my shoulder and I could feel tears on my shoulder. I returned the hug and began to cry a bit myself, "Be more careful you idiot, I can't lose you, you of all people," he cried into my shoulder, "same goes to you," I said with a small laugh. Katsuki stood straight up because due to the height difference, he had to bend a bit, "If you tell anyone about this, you're so dead," he whimpered while wiping his eyes, "got it chief," I laughed and he returned it. I wished the Bakugou's a good night and went to sleep.

Mitsuki's Pov

I watched in horror as (y/n) got dragged out of her house by a strange man. She managed to escape but I noticed Katsuki was there to witness the whole thing. (y/n) was probably Katsuki's best friend, I wish he just stayed inside like I said because it looks like the sight nearly killed him. Katsuki had mentioned how (y/n) had gotten really hurt and with this added on must be really damaging for the both of them.

The police let (y/n) go and she went to head inside. I ran and hugged her with Katsuki and Masaru following close behind. When I finally let go, I looked to see our son with teary eyes and he walked to his best friend. He bent down and hugged her while crying, she let a few tears fall and we heard Katsuki mumble something that surprised us. "Be more careful you idiot, I can't lose you, you of all people," he said as Masaru and I looked at the two in aww. I don't think I have ever seen Katsuki care about anyone as much as he cares about (y/n).

After a bit, we headed home and the two teens went to bed. I called (y/n)'s mom just to let her know what happened and she said she was already called. Masaru and I went to bed thinking about how for the first time in a while, we saw our son happy.

A/N: I spent soooo much time on Unlucky it's crazy, I worked on this non-stop all day. This was origionally gonna be a One part story but I decided not to since It would be over 5000 words. I really hope you like it.



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