Chapter 5 - Stargazing

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You woke up as you normally would, any other day, throwing on a generally clean looking outfit. It was a pair of red sweatpants and a black sweatshirt, not your worst outfit, but far from red carpet ready. 

You had nearly forgotten the tour of the town you were supposed to be led on. You hoped he'd show you a gym so maybe you could appear ready when your entrance exam was. You hadn't gotten much information about it, other than the date and time, as well as the attire you should wear. 

It said to wear your school uniform to the written exam, so you just assumed it meant business casual in your case. 

Putting those thoughts away and walking out of the house, you met up with Katsuki. Exchanging a few simple hello's, you began to walk down the streets of the small city. It was clear that he didn't want anything to do with you, but to be perfectly honest you didn't care how he felt. 

It took a short hour to get around main street, avoiding all the small side streets. Then, you arrived back at your house having barely said a word the entire time. 

Once outside, you rushed to grab your gym bag an a hair tie. Then, slipping on your shoes you, you rushed down the front steps and onto the sidewalk, anxious to get a workout in. 

-- Katsuki Bakugou Pov --

I stared at the freak i'd just given a tour to as she stared back. The gym bag in her hand probably meant that she was going too. It's not like we had a choice whether or not to walk together. We arrived together, a few people saying hello to me before we went to our separate locker rooms. 

It didn't take long for us to get ready, since we both just needed to store our stuff somewhere. When we got out, we did a few stretches, as well as a quick warmup run on the treadmill. After was the weight room, then some quick calisthenics. I guess we just ended up working together considering we had the same general routine. 

The whole thing took around two hours. We didn't waste any time and walked back together pretty quickly. She didn't have much to say though, and I didn't want to get my earbuds out of my bag. The silence was comfortable, but I just had to ask a question that'd been itching at me. 

The night before, her mother had praised her so much, so proud of her accomplishments, but didn't say a single thing about it. It would be likely I'd be competing against her in the future, so it'd be useful to know. "Hey, so, what's your quirk anyways."

"Well, I'm quirk less. Kind of embarrassing, I know, but that's just the way it is sometimes," she said, shyly rubbing the back of her neck. I couldn't control the look of shock that spread across my face at the time. 

She giggled a bit before breaking into an uproar of laughter. She could barely even stand straight. I stopped in my tracks, watching as she held onto a telephone poll for balance. Was she fucking insane? Who the fuck laughs like that about something so unfunny.

"I'm just kidding," she laughed, finally continuing at the same pace we were at before, following with a brief explanation of her power. Then we didn't talk until we got home. 

"Hey, by the way, could I get your number," she asked, completely out of the blue. I stood in front of my driveway, finally ready to leave her annoying ass. 


"Give me your phone number so we can plan when to meet up and train and stuff. I'm sure you probably need someone to train with, and I can help with that."

"Um, yeah, sure," I answered hesitantly, handing her my unlocked phone. She rapidly typed the digits into the phone. I didn't know why I did it, and like nothing happened, I left. 

She really was interesting. 

-- Regular POV --

After hours of texting, social media, and various other useless things, it was time for bed, or in your case, more screen time. 

You did end up getting bored after a long while and had to find something else to do to occupy your boredom. Looking down to your front lawn, you got the crazy, get occupying idea to stargaze. Everyone in your house had headed to bed, or at least your rooms, so it was just a little bit of you time before bed. 

Sitting your ass down on the grass, you stared at the stars, letting the grass brush against your face. The woody scent of campfires in the distance briefly reminded you of home. It was such a good reminded of the life you were leaving behind. You would miss everyone sure, but a chance to start over was the best thing you could have ever asked for. 

Despite having younger sisters, and a caring mother, you often felt so alone. You only had a few real friends, and an ex who you honestly were never to close to. You felt so relived. You could finally make the life you had always dreamed of, having a brand new blank slate. 

You wanted to fall asleep there. Right then, right there. It was so peaceful, quiet, I mean who wouldn't. Then as you finally felt free, an agitating grating voice seemed to rub against your ear drums like sandpaper. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I can't sleep if there's so weirdo outside of my house."

"I'm on my fucking lawn. What do you want?" In all honesty, you didn't mean for it to come out as harshly as it did.

Then, completely out of character, he sat beside you. "I don't mean to pry," He started, doing what people say before they pry "But where's your dad?" You were shocked at the foreword question, but considering Japan's divorce rate was considerably lower than your homes, it was probably a question he didn't think about asking often. 

"My parents are divorced. He doesn't live with us anymore."

"Oh... I don't care."

You sat up, giving him a confused look. He looked shocked at your reaction. Then, he got up and walked inside.

He really was interesting.


A/N: OKAY this chapter is edited, and I deleted like half of it because I didn't like it. Oh well.

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