Chapter 36 ~ Sleepover

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A/N: this song doesn't really have anything to do with the story, I just like it.

"hey, guys! I was thinking, and I think we should have a sleepover!" I yelled to the girls of class 1A. "What made you come up with that idea?" Tsu asked, "Well, Kirishima told me that he was doing one with Kaminari, Sero, and Katsuki, so I thought it would be fun, plus, we can destress before the exam," I finished.

"I'm in!" Hagakure and Mina yelled together. The rest of the girls agreed to it too. "How about my room?" Mina said, "Yeah, is that cool with everyone?" I asked, they all nodded and we went to go get our stuff.

All seven of us were sitting in Mina's room and talking about random shit like we always did. I laid on my back and just stared at the black ceiling. The rest of the girls were pestering Uraraka on her supposed crush on Midoryia.

"I'm bored," I whined, "same here," Mina said in response. "Who wants to go with me to get some food from the kitchen?" I said, "I'll go," Jiro replied.

The two of us got up and went down the hall to the elevator. "I wonder if Uraraka really does have a crush on Midoryia," Mumbled, "I bet she does, It's kind of obvious, just like your big fat crush on Bakugou," Jiro laughed.

I gasped and covered my face, "I do not like that rat!" I yelled, trying to cover the redness in my face, "There's no hiding it, we all already know," She continued on, "Would you just shut up already? I do not like him!" I yelled while crossing my arms like a child throwing a temper tantrum, She laughed at me again and we arrived at the common area.

The two of us grabbed as many snacks as we could fit in our arms, which was a lot. We got back into the elevator and rode up to or floor. When we walked into the room, it was a chaotic mess. Mina was on her desk, Uraraka was on the ceiling, and Tsu had climbed the wall. "I'm not even going to ask," I sighed while we dumped the snacks on the ground.

I laid on my back and opened a bag of chips. We laughed and joked, making fun of each other and playing silly games. "We should play a game of confessions," Jiro said, I looked at her and she stared back with a devilish smirk.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Momo said, everyone else agreed and it seemed like I had no choice.

Katsuki Bakugou Pov

"Bakugou, truth or dare," Shitty hair asked me. "I'm not doing this shit," I mumbled. The three idiots were trying to get me in on their little games. "I swear to god, Kaminari if you touch my face one more time I'm going to kick you in the balls!" Kirishima yelled I looked over to see the two of them rolling on the ground together.

"The two of you are such idiots," I mumbled. We talked for a bit, well, more like they talked for a bit, and I went through old photos. My phone was running out storage so I needed to clear out the useless photos I had.

While deleting a whole bunch, I came across one that made my heart stop. I remember when it was taken perfectly, it took place on probably one of the best days of my life.


We had just ordered or icecreams and started to make our way home. She paused for a moment and pulled out her phone. "Hey, can we take a picture together?" she asked me.

"What?" I responded in question, "a picture, so we can remember this," She finished with a smile. I agreed and she snapped a quick photo, after that, we continued walking home.

End of the flashback,

That was the day of the entrance exam, the day we went to get curry together. I didn't notice it at first, but I was smiling at my phone, meanwhile, a blush crept up my face, but that wasn't the only surprise.

"Looks like Bakugou's got a crush," Dunce Face said aloud. He was right above my shoulder, looking at my phone. "No, I fucking don't!" I yelled in his face.

"No way! Let me see!" Shitty hair and tape arms yelled. They tried to grab my phone but I dodged them. After a long while, it seemed like they had given up.

I sat back down and went back to delete several other photos. I was surprised by the number of selfies (y/n) took when I wasn't looking. I spaced off again, looking through all the photos of her.

Suddenly, I felt my phone slip through my hand. Kirishima and Sero held me back while Kaminari tried to find the photo of us. Sero taped me up as Kaminari yelled, "This is the one!" I tried to break free from the tape, but it was useless.

They gasped as they looked at the photo. "Oh my god," Sero muttered. "You're in love!" Kirishima squealed, "I am fucking not!" I yelled. "So then you wouldn't mind if I took her on a date then," Kaminari said, without thinking, I yelled "No!" They stared at me once again, mouths agape.

"I mean, I don't care, do whatever the hell you want, I don't care!" I yelled again, they looked at each other. The three of them turned around and whispered to each other.

"If you don't admit it, we'll just have to text her ourselves, we have the phone and you don't," Kaminari giggled. "There's nothing to admit!" I yelled again, struggling against my restraints.

Kirishima typed something on the phone and walked over. He placed the phone right in front of my face. The message read, "I really like you," with a heart at the end.

"do you like her or not?" He said calmly while his finger slowly got closer and closer to the send button. I just started, he wouldn't do it, would he? It got to close and I realized, he wasn't stopping anytime soon.

His finger almost touched when I yelled, "So what if I fucking do!?" The three of them just stared, and then slowly deleted the message and untied me. "Do you actually?' Kirishima said in a serious tone, I grumbled and looked away.

(y/n) (l/n) Pov

"Ok, (y/n), who do you have a crush on?" Jiro asked, I looked at her with confidence and said, "no one," The rest of the girls gave me a 'are you serious?' look and I stopped talking.

"Oh shut up, we all know you are MADLY in love with Bakugou," Mina said with a smirk. I scoffed and looked back up at her, "We're just friends," I said plainly.

They all started to pester me and shit. The more I thought about it, the more I started to consider it, did I actually like him?

"come on, you have to at least like him a little bit," Hagakure whined, "Maybe a little tiny itty bitty bit, but I wouldn't date him or anything," I said while my cheeks dusted pink.

They all started to squeal like pigs and I laughed. After that, we all started to chill out. 'Do I really like him?' I thought again, No, I couldn't, right?

Word count: 1227

A/N: Might not update for a bit. My sister broke my phone because she chucked it across the room at my back. Now I have a huge bruise and I broken phone. If you haven't already, go check out my book 'Before I Go' I just finished it. Hope you enjoyed it! But we are only 200 reads away from 1k and I am so grateful. To be honest, I thought that by chapter 36, I would only get 36 reads, all from my account, but I'm just glad that I have some people who enjoy reading my writing as much as I love doing.



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