Chapter 38

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The next night,

"You, meet me out front later," Katsuki grumbled to Midoryia. He muttered something else but I couldn't hear. I and a few other students stared blankly at the two as Katsuki walked to his room.

"Um, ok," Midoryia muttered. "Hey Midoryia, what was that all about?" I asked him. "I'm not sure," He said, I left it at that and walked away to talk with the rest of the class.

Later that night,

3rd Perso Pov

Everyone had gone to sleep except you, Midoryia, and Katsuki. You had stayed up but not for the reason you might have thought. You had just started a new Netflix series and you wanted to pull an all-nighter to finish it.

While everyone else was relaxing, Midoryia and Katsuki walked down the street. "Kaccha, how far are we going?" Midoryia questioned as they made their way to their destination. "We shouldn't be walking around in the middle of the night," The gree-haired male continued.

Katsuki stayed quiet. The silence was taking a toll on Midoryia. He began to worry more, the usually loud boy was quiet. The whole walk, Katsuki was replaying old memories that the two shared.

"You brought us to ground beta?" Midoryia questioned, clearly confused. "This is the place where we had our first combat training, were I fought you and lost," Katsuki growled. Midoryia gasped, "you've always made me sick, you know that right Deku?" He asked the boy.

"You were useless, no power at all, a joke, so now your going to tell me how you managed to get into this school with a brand new quirk that appeared out of nowhere," Katsuki growled. Midoryia thought back to the time when he told Katsuki about his borrowed power.

"I didn't understand what you meant back then because what you were saying made no sense, but still, you kept on climbing higher and higher, always looking so satisfied with yourself," He said with a smirk, "ever since that sludge villain, no, It actually started when all might come to town, better and better until finally, you passed the licensing exam while I failed," He said getting angrier.

"How the hell is that even possible," "That wasn't a matter of ability tho-" "shut up and listen you, damn nerd, it pissed me off that I had been beaten by such a pathetic weakling, but after seeing what happened to all might at Camino ward, I began to understand," He said, still facing away.

Midoryia swallowed and got ready to face the boy. "I've been giving it a lot of thought, you got your quirk from all might didn't you?" He asked a shocked Midoryia.

"I heard about the boss villain, apparently he can steal someone's quirk and give it to somebody else which sounds kind of crazy, but then one of those old cat ladies had her power taken from her and she can't work anymore, and then you met all might and started changing, then he lost his power and had to retire just like her, I remember what he said after he had beaten the big bad, we all heard it, back then, you were the only person who truly understood what he meant, there's more evidence too like how those Nomu have multiple quirks, besides, all might and that boss villain knew each other, quirks can move from one person to another, all might know the guy who could do it, somehow it all connects to how you got your quirk from someone else," Katsuki finished with Midoryia listening attentively.

"I asked all might about this in a way, that's why you're going to tell me the truth, and you're not trying to deny anything which means I must be right, so say it," He said. Midoryia clenched his fists, trying to think of the most reasonable thing to do.

"Ok, what if it's true?" Midoryia asked, "You and I both wanted to be just like all might when we were kids, but I was the one who had the potential, and somehow a little nobody like you was singled out by the one I admired most and I didn't even realize it, that's why we're here, you and I are settling this, right here, right now," The blonde growled.

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