✨~1K special!~✨

2K 45 4

This doesn't have anything to do with the actual story line

I ran out of the dorms. For some reason, I have been really stressed lately. I didn't look back as I ran down the streets, trying to forget whatever I was hung up about. My head felt like it was about to explode and I had no idea why.

The run was long and lonely but it felt nice. The summer breeze blew through my hair. I'm don't think anyone had followed me, it was nice to have some alone time.

Today had been a whole stress fest for me. People just seemed to get on my nerves easier. Every word uttered by one of my classmates seemed to make my head pound.

Katsuki didn't help either. The boy would not stop yelling, it was hard to get some peace and quiet. I don't know what made me fall apart, It all seems like a blur.

I was talking with a few people, and next thing I know, I'm running out of the dorms. The time finally came when I stopped running. I was stopped right in front of the park, more specifically, the pond.

It was a small pond filled with small fish and lilies. It reminded me of something you'd see in a movie. There was an ice cream stand nearby so I decided to buy some.

My headache subsided and I sat on a bench, watching the fish. Many people passed by and I was thankful that none of them talked to me.

Back at the dorms,

"what was that all about," Kaminari asked the group of people, "I'm not sure, she just ran out," Kirishima said. Grumble was heard from amongst the group of people and they turned to them.

Katsuki shoved his hands in his pockets and stepped forward. They all stared at the boy as he walked to the front door.

"What are you doing?" Kirishima asked the blonde boy. "None of your fucking business," He hissed, earning silence from the rest.

No one tried to stop him as he walked out of the building.

Back to you,

I finally got up from my spot on the bench and continued to walk. My earbuds and phone were still at the dorms so the walk was silent.

I walked for what seemed like forever and finally came to a comfortable spot. It was the pier.

I walked down the pier until I reacher the end. The sun reflected against the water as the salt air filtered through my lungs.

It was golden hour, in my opinion, one of the prettiest times of the day. There was no land in sight, other than the beach. No one was at the beach so I had this view all to myself.

I sat down on the edge, pulling my legs up to my chest and letting out an airy breath. The birds chirped and the wind blew, but apart from that, everything seemed still.

My hair was down and the breeze blew it all around. Most people would be annoyed by the breeze, but I loved it. After a bit, I let my feet dangle off of the dock. It was high tide and the dock was short, so my feet had just touched the water.

The water was strangely warm but I wasn't complaining. The silence faded and I heard heavy footsteps walking forward towards me. A heavy hand landed on my shoulder and I went to slap it off, but it seemed strangely familiar.

My eyes slowly glided up to see a strong arm, then a shoulder, and finally the face of Katsuki Bakugou. He didn't look angry, but he wasn't happy either.

The boy sat down next to me, taking off his shoes and slipping his feet into the water. "What's going on?" Katsuki said in a surprisingly calm voice.

I shrugged, never tearing my eyes from the sea. He sighed, knowing he'd have to pry to get the answer out of me. By now, the golden hour had faded, and the stars had begun to come out.

We sat there for an hour, time going by quicker than ever. "I'm just really stressed," I muttered, staring at the stars.

She looked at me, a hint of shock in his eyes. After a bit, he looked back to the water and the silence engulfed us again.

"Why'd you come here?" I asked, I honestly wouldn't think he'd do this, even if we were best friends. He shrugged his shoulders but I wanted an answer.

"Why do you care, I don't think you'd come if you didn't care," I said, "He looked at me and then back to the water. "Of course I care," He muttered, these simple words were enough to bring out a small blush on my cheeks.

A smile turned on my lips and I looked out to the water. "It's nice, isn't it, the stars I mean," I asked him, "Yeah, they are beautiful," he replied plainly.

It would be pitch black dark if the moon didn't illuminate the sky. I looked over to my friend to find him staring. We stayed like this for a bit, just loling into each other's eyes.

If it wasn't for the moonlight, I wouldn't have noticed the faint blush on his cheeks. There was tension so thick you could cut if with a knife. I looked away as a huge explosion erupted from the sky.

A huge fireworks display played over the ocean. "wow," I muttered with wide eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katsuki looking at me. His face was lit up by the colors in the sky, and his eyes seemed calm.

"It's beautiful," He muttered, eyes still on me. I turned my attention to him fully, a small blush dancing across my cheeks. "Yeah," I said with a small smile while staring straight at him.

He began to lean in a bit and I did the same. After what seemed like forever, our lips connected while the fireworks boomed right behind us.

It was a sweet and soft kiss, nothing rough or sloppy. We pulled away and smiled at each other, turning our attention back to the night sky.

3rd Person Pov,

"Oh my god!" A pink-haired girl squealed from behind a bush, "Mina, shut up, they'll hear you," Sero hissed.

Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima were all staring from behind a bush. A loud click was heard from the bushes and Katsuki snapped his head. "Shit," Kaminari and Kirishima muttered, Kaminari had forgotten to turn off the flash and ringer on his phone.

You and Katsuki got up and walked to the bush to investigate. The four ran from the bush and in the direction of the dorms. The two of you followed right behind them.

You did have to admit though, you were going to have to ask for a copy of the photos. Tonight was truly one to remember.

Word count: 1123

A/N: Thank you so much for 1k, I know that I've said this a lot, but it means so much to me that some people actually read this.


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