Chapter 17 ~ Unexpected Visitors

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One week into a two-week break.

It's been exactly one week since the USJ attack and home invasion. My mom returned the next day and was very worried. I told her that I was alright and she believed me, and I was ok. I've texted most people in class 1A, and everyone seems to be holding up alright. I'm just sitting in my bed when I get a text from the one and only Kaminari.

Pikachu Reject乁(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)ㄏ

Hey hot stuff

12:38 PM


What do you want?

12:38 PM

Pikachu Reject乁(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)ㄏ

Do you wanna go for a walk with Sero and me in the park????????

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Do you wanna go for a walk with Sero and me in the park????????

12:39 PM


Lol, sure.

12:39 PM

I closed out of my phone and put on some shorts and a t-shirt, nothing too fancy. As I walked downstairs, I told my mom about where I was going, she told me to be back by, 3:00 because she had a surprise. I was never one for supprises so I begged to know, of course, she didn't spoil it and I left the house. I had asked Kaminari if anyone else was going and he said that Kirishima was, but Mina couldn't make it, and Katsuki flat out refused.

Once I reached the park, I saw the three boys' waiting for me. "Hey, guys what's up?" I yelled "nothin much buttercup," Kaminari yelled which earned us a few strange looks from the people passing. The other boys ran over and we began to talk. "So, how are you (y/n)? we saw what happened news," Sero commented, "yeah how are?" Kirishima added on, Kaminari stayed silent because I had already spoken to him on the phone. "I'm actually doing great, thanks for asking," I spoke with a large smile "so manly," Kirishima mumbled which I replied to with a giggle.

As we walked, we had probably stopped about 50 times because Kaminari had the urge to pet every single dog we passed. I can't say It was all the boy's fault because I took part in it too. We walked to the middle of the park where we saw a playground full of kids. Us being the incredibly mature teenagers we were, rushed straight to the sandbox and started to play. We had to bail once I 'accidentally' crushed a little boys sandcastle while letting out a big roar like godzilla or some shit.

After the sandbox, we ran over to the swings and started to play roadkill, you know, the game where you run in between swinging people and try not to get hit. All was well and we managed to get some of the younger kids to play, that was until it was Sero's turn to run, and he got hit by Kirishima, which ended with them both on the ground. A few of the moms ran to us and we got scolded, or they tried to scold us, but we ran out of there.

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