Chapter 7 - The sleepover

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Edited/Rewritten - 1/27/2024

You woke up one random day with what you thought was the worst migraine of your life. Barely dragging yourself out of bed, you continued with your typical morning routine, heading out begrudgingly to the gym with Katsuki like you did every morning.

If you didn't he'd probably murder your whole family in cold blood. That's what he told you at least. Putting on your shorts, a large shirt and an even larger hoodie, you headed out, a dead look in your eyes.

He groaned, seeing how uninteresd you looked, but decided instead not to push it given you could just fucking turn around. Not that he even cared about having a workout buddy, in fact, he preferred to go alone. But going with someone was a whole lot better than having to ask someone for a bench press spotter.

The whole walk, you didn't say a word. After taking a heaping scoop of pre-workout, you seemed to perk up a little bit. You even managed to save his life as he failed miserably at a bench PR.

Then, after about half an hour, you hitting a deadlift PR, him nearly killing you for it, and finally hitting that pre-workout crash, you showered and headed out.

People stared oddly as the two of you walked down the street, and you couldn't blame them. You had walked out of the gym, looking totally crazy. You wore your worn out converse, the souls falling off and flapping in the wind every time you took a step, shorts that rode halfway up your ass every time you took a step, and a hoodie promoting a brand with a graffiti logo, which the population likely assumed was an American gang.

Katsuki was wearing, or course, a black tank top, paired with black pants, a pair of black shoes, and of course, a black gym bag.

A buff ass emo and a foreign gang member, that's what you looked like. The only way you agreed to go to the gym was if you could grab a coffee afterwards, which Katsuki did not object to. So, heading into a shop, you set your bag down at the table.

After the whole 'dinner date' debate, the two of you agreed you'd switch every other day with the payments. It wasn't about being kind, well not to him. He just wanted to look like he had money in front of you, as if you didn't see the price of his house on the housing ad.

"Let's hang out tonight," you sighed, taking a sip of your large iced coffee, two shots of expresso.

"In your fucking dreams."

"No seriously. You should sleep over tonight," you sighed, giving him a saddened look as he gave you his typical glare, taking a sip of his protein green smoothie. Of course he had to try and prove he was better than you by ordering the healthiest thing on the menu.

"I'll do it if you leave me alone."

"Deal, come over at one so we can hang out before," you said, lifting your head up to give he a smile. He sighed, then felt a smile creep on his lips at the immediate silence afterwards.

Just like you said, he was there at 1, and you were ready. "Follow me!" you said, a giddiness in your voice and a pep in your step. Grabbing his hand, you led the boy into your backyard, hands up in the air as you showed him your set up.

He gave you a lackluster expression, seeing your masterpiece in full bloom. It just a tent to him, but to you, it was a masterpiece you'd taken around three hours to construct with sweat, tears, and a lot of blood.

"Okay, what's next asshole?"

"Next? How about a nap, you're getting a bit cranky."

He gave you a very off putting look, making you want to gag. Before snapping back with "Can you get any more stupid?"

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