🥚Easter Special🥚

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A/N: I am aware that easter is not really celebrated in japan, so It's going to be about how (y/n) shows and explains easter. This also does not affect the story in any way at all. The song also has nothing to do with the story, I just thought I'd share it.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and ran to my calendar. It was the weekend but more importantly, it was Easter Sunday. I was aware that japan didn't celebrate Easter as much, but I wanted to show my friends what it was like in America. I texted all of class 1A to meet me at the park at 1:00 and everyone agreed.

My mom gave me some money to buy plastic eggs and candy to hide around the park. The park was mostly empty on Sunday so no one would mess around with my plan. I had bought my stuff and filled about 150-200 eggs for the class to find. It was around 11:00 when I finished and that gave me just enough time to hide all the eggs, I had also bought these bunny headbands for the class, but I had no idea who would actually wear them.

At 12:30 I had finished hiding all the eggs and just had to wait for everyone. The clock reached 1:00 and everyone had arrived, even the grumpy blonde who questioned why I was wearing the ridiculous headband. Everyone got even more confused when I passed out matching headbands and acted like It was completely normal.

"Does anyone happen to know what day it is?" I asked my confused peers, not one of them replied and I gave out a laugh, "It's Easter Sunday!" I yelled out while throwing I raw egg and Katsuki forehead. Katsuki lunged forward at me but some of our classmates held him back as I laughed like a witch. "Easter is a pretty popular holiday in America, and I wanted to share the joy of it with all of you, today I hid over 100 eggs around the park and you will be tasked with finding each and every one of them," I announced. The class looked at me confused and was wondering what the fuck I was talking about.

"What are we even going to do with the eggs?" Mineta asked, "I'll have to agree, what is the point of hiding eggs?" Iida responded, "What are we gonna do with over 100 eggs? Cook them?" Kaminari laughed, I finally realized why they were confused and wanted to clear it up. "No, no, no, the eggs are plastic and filled with candy, you're supposed to collect them and then eat the candy. At this news, everyone perked up and got ready to collect.

After a few minutes of explaining how it went, everyone but me went to get the candy-filled shells. I thought that everything was going to go smoothly, but boy was I wrong. I should have expected that a class of heroes in training would get competitive but I wasn't ready for it. Katsuki had started to set off explosions at kids who got close to him and his eggs while the others were just plain fighting. Some of my classmates tried to steal eggs from the others which earned them a beating.

After around an hour, everyone came trudging back, some with bruises and others with worse. "do American really do this every year, don't you think this is a bit extreme for a bit of candy?" Midoryia questioned, "Yes and it isn't supposed to be this violent, you guys took it to the extreme but I should have expected that from a bunch of dimwits," I commented while shaking my head, the class was a bit shocked by how they completed a simple task so wrongly and some were annoyed by my comment but I just shook it off.

The class sat down on the grass and ate their candy while I watched and laughed at their shocked expressions as they opened the eggs. They all looked like 5-year-olds on Christmas morning. I had taken my eyes off of everyone for a few minutes to text my mom, and the next thing I know, I face first on the ground with the whole class on top of me.

"thank you (y/n), this means a lot," Mina gushed, everyone agreed I just laughed. Once everyone got off, I stood up and we began clean up. We had finished cleaning and I started to walk back with Katsuki, he still had the bunny ears on and a bag of candy on his arm. He looked kinds cute and I couldn't help but stare. The more I stared, the more I noticed how BIG his forehead was. "Damn, you got a bigass forehead," I exclaimed with a laugh, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?" Katsuki yelled while chasing me down the street while making explosions.

As we neared our houses, we both slowed down and laughed. I noticed his headband was a bit crooked so I reached up to fix it. He looked into my eyes and he leaned in as I did the same. The small kiss lasted for about 30 seconds until we both pulled away with small blushes.

"Thanks for today," He mumbled, "Thanks for coming," I chuckled while the awkwardness left me. He gave me one last peck on the lips when we separated to leave for our houses.

As I walked inside, I saw my sisters and mothers at the window with shocked faces. They slowly turned to me as I let out a laugh and headed up to my room. My mom knocked on my door and I opened it up, she walked to my bed and sat down. "So, what was that I just saw?" she chuckled, I looked away with a blush "It was nothing," I mumbled, she laughed and left my room without another word. I plopped onto my bed and let out a sigh, while reliving that moment in my head. 'I guess I do love him," I mumbled.

Katsuki Bakugou Pov

(y/n) leaned up to my face to fix my headband. I looked into her eyes, I've loved this girl for a while now and I couldn't help imagine what it would be like to kiss her. Without thinking about it, I leaned in slowly and she did the same. Our lips connected and it was like she took control of me. Our kiss lasted for about 30 seconds, but to me, it felt like a lifetime.

We left for our houses but my blush stayed. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that. When I walked into my house, the old had bombarded me with questions, all of which I ignored. I headed to my room with my candy and laid down on my bed, smiling, wishing to feel her lips on mine again, even if it was only for a second. "KATSUKI BAKUGOU, YOU CAN'T IGNORE ME FOREVER, I'M YOUR MOTHER!" the old hag yelled while shaking my door handle like a maniac, "try me," I mumbled. The banging stopped and I heard her stomp away. I took a shower and headed to bed, thinking about her and only her.

Word count: 1202

A/N: Just another reminder, this in no way, has anything to do with the main plot and will not be mentioned in the story any further. On another note, I'm sorry if I was incorrect about Japan celebrating easter, I am aware that all families have their own religious beliefs but this is just what I found on the internet so don't come at me. I am also working on a new story called Before I Go so stay tuned for that.



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