Chapter 8 - Comfort in the storm

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UPDATED 3/3/2024

NOTE: This chapter is so much shorter than it originally was, but I think it's an improvement. 


You woke up with a shock for about three reasons. The first being the unfamiliar cold environment, as you'd forgotten you hadn't fallen asleep in your own bed, the second being the screams coming from inside your house, which you could only assume was your sisters trying to communicate your breakfast was ready, the third and final reason being when you turned over to check and see if your friend was still breathing, you saw him already staring at you with what you could have assumed was a fierce lust for blood.

"What is that noise," he growled in almost a warning tone, and your heart almost stopped. "Is it always this loud?"


That was the last you really hung out with Katsuki for a good while. Both becoming busy, you still talked, but not much, not seeing each other unless by chance, the occasional family dinners, or the daily gym meet up. That was until two weeks later. The day you'd both be receiving your U.A. decision letters. Of course, Katsuki had said many times how he had no doubt the two of you got it, that it was stupid you'd even doubt it, but there was still a constant lurking anxiety in the back of your head.

Nervous as can be, you walked out to the mailbox. It was like something out of a movie. Lightning struck in the distance, followed by a loud crash of thunder as you opened the mailbox, seemingly signaling an impending doom. However, you tried your best to ignore it, creating a shield overhead to protect yourself from the rain slowly beginning to fall.

You'd just talked to Katsuki that morning, and discussed the letters on your way home from the gym. He told you he'd head over once he retrieved his, and you'd open them together as, in his words, you were being a wimp about it. Still, it was a reasonable concern, and you had a lot more riding on it.

Your family took a risk, moving halfway across the world for a small chance as a dream. There was no guarantee you'd get it, though you were almost sure you did. Still, it was scary, the thought that it had all been for nothing, and the thought of what would happen after if you hadn't gotten in.

"Mitsuki called," your mother said, reading a book on the couch as you walked in, setting the other pieces of mail on the table. "Katsuki will be heading over soon, he's just finishing up his chores," she said with a smile. You'd been over to their house and witness that spectical before. Katsuki could clean the entire house willingly, but the second someone asked him to, it became the most daunting task in the world.

That meant you'd have a bit to chill out until he finally finished. By accident, you fell asleep. It was a combination of physical fatigue, mental stress, and just boredom.


You weren't sure how long you'd drifted off for, but was awoken by the ringing of your phone, fading, and then starting up again as a persistent caller didn't seem to get the message. Then it dawned on you that only one person would have a reason to call you at the moment.

"Who is this?" you asked, half awake.

"Who the fuck do you think?" that gave you all the confiramtion you needed. "I'm heading over, be ready," he said as though you had to prepare for something. Still, he knew the drill. You looked out your window, his room directly parallel to yours, his blinds left open.

You watched as he slipped on a hoodie, looked out the window, and flipped you off before closing his bedroom door and heading down his stairs. Moments later, his figure emerged from his house, sprinting across the yard and to your house.

There was a loud banging downstairs as your mother rushed for the door and let him in. A pause as he took his shoes off and thanked her, and then a loud stomping as he made his way up to your room.

"Hey," you greeted as he entered. Using your quirk, you removed the water from his clothes and hair, cracking the window open to release it before heading back.

Katsuki sat down at your desk, rubbing his head with a deep sigh. He had his own doubts, but you knew he was more confident than you.

"Okay," you started, sitting back on your bed, leaning against the headboard and pulling your knees up to your chest. "You go first, I can't" you said, setting yours down beside you.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breathe. Katsuki let out a scratch as a pillow his him in the head full force. "What the hell! What's wrong with you!?"

"Quit freaking yourself out, just do it. If you freak out I'll freak out," you said in a serious tone. He glared back at you, chucking the pillow at your head which you dodged, but didn't yell back, knowing you were right.

You both looked at Katsuki's letter like it had just killed both of your families. UA meant so much to both of you and not getting in was the absolute worst case scenario. Still, Katsuki took a deep breath and ripped the letter open, an image of All Might fell onto the desk.

You couldn't even comprehend what the man said, your brain only processing the words "Katsuki Bakugo, welcome you U.A.'s hero course."

You looked over as he covered his mouth, trying to act tough and cover the large smile creeping across his face. He was ecstatic, even if he tried to play it off, and you knew not to tease him.

"Open yours now damn it," he said, a slight squeak in his voice as he tried to hide his excitement. You took a deep breath, trying to convince yourself that the results didn't matter, that you'd live either way. Still, ripping off the bandaid, you opened the letter, watching as the hologram fell onto the bed and played a familiar image.

You hung onto every word, and your heart flipped when he uttered the words "Welcome to U.A." leaning forward and holding your face in your hands, trying to catch your breath.

"Holy shit, I was so scared," you gasped, looking at Katsuki who smirked at you brightly.

"What did I tell you? Of course we got in."

"Don't act like you weren't scared," you scoffed, playfully punching him in the arm. Rather than yelling, Katuski let out a small, rare laugh. "You're such an idiot," you smiled, getting up to stretch. "Wanna watch a movie?" you asked, a certain lightness about your voice as everything seemed to be going right.

"Yeah, whatever," he said, playing off his happiness and sitting back beside you on your bed, slipping his feet under the covers as you handed him your laptop to choose as the rain beat down overhead. 


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