Chapter 51 ~ Meeting

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We got back from the festival and headed to our separate dorms. I'm not sure about the rest of the class, but Katsuki and I had to go back to the festival the next day.

Both of our families were going to spend some time together and they wanted us to tag along. We were planning to tell our parents about our relationship, assuming Takuma hadn't opened his big mouth by now.

I shot Katsuki a goodnight text and rested my head on the pillow. A small smile played across my face as I replayed our kiss in my head. "Fuck," I screamed into my pillow, "Why can't I sleep," I groaned.

After a few minutes, I stood my lazy ass up and headed to the elevator. The Elevator went down a floor and a half and then stopped. "What?" I said wide-eyed, "Why isn't it going?" I said a bit worried.

I began to bang on all the buttons, trying desperately to make them work.

Five minutes later I'm sitting on the ground, head in my knees, and nothing to do. "The one time I leave my room without my fucking phone, this is what happens," I groaned.

I laid down on the floor and looked up to the ceiling. "Maybe I could go through the top," I muttered. deciding that this was the best option, I got up trying desperately to jump up and open the door.

After many attempts, I managed to get it. I climbed through the opening at the top and stood up. "what the hell?" I head a confused voice say from above me.

"Hey," I said waving at a very confused looking Midoryia. "What are you doing in there," he said, "Just chilling," I responded. "The elevator broke," I said, crossing my arms. "What are you doing," I asked, "I was going to get some water but the door opened up without the actual elevator," He explained.

"I'm going to go get a teacher," he said, walking away from the door.

Shouta Aizawa POV,

All of us teachers were having a meeting about lesson shit when we got interrupted. "Young Midoryia, shouldn't you be asleep," All Might asked, "The elevator is broken and (y/n) is stuck inside," He said, a bit out of breath.

I got up and so did All Might, "How did she even break it?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I have no idea," He said. "All Might, Aizawa, you two can go and take care of this, we will fill you in when you get back," Nezu said.

The three of us walked out of the room and to the dorms to save my idiot student.

(y/n) (l/n) POV

I was sitting down on top of the elevator when I felt people staring. All Might, Aizawa, and Midoryia were all looking down at me when Aizawa walked away. "Where at you going?" All Might asked, "To go get Sero," he said.

A bit later, he came back with a sleepy-looking Sero. "Your such an idiot," he said while shooting a bit of tape down to me.

Two minutes later plus a lot of yelling, I was up and out out of the shaft, too bad the almost the whole boy's dorms woke up in the prosses. "what's going on, and why is (y/n) in the boy's dorms," Todorkoi asked, "She probably got caught sleeping with Bakugou," Mineta snickered from beside me.

I smacked him in the head and headed to the staircase. "Where are you going?" Kirishima asked, "To bed, I'm to mentally exhaust to the deal with any of you at the moment," I groaned.The next morning,

I got up out of bed and got changed into the same Kimino. All I wanted was to show up in a hoodie in jeans, but my mom insisted I show her the Kimino in person.

Katsuki and I headed out pretty early since we were going to have breakfast at the festival. "So, how are we gonna tell them?" I questioned, "I think we should just say it, If they don't like it, then that's their problem," he said, grabbing my hand.

We got on the train and rode out to the festival where we met our parents and the Shikikawa's. Katsuki Introduced himself to the Shikikawa's while I talked with Takuma.

Despite the harsh introduction, I think that Katsuki didn't mind Takuma. Takuma may be VERY loud and energetic, but Katuski has to deal with me every day so Takuma shouldn't be too hard to handle.

Our group walked over to a large table and my mom and Mitsuki went to order our food.

It was quick and everyone sat down and dug into their food. I was a bit tense, thinking up all the different things that could go wrong. Katsuki must have noticed since he grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze from under the table.

We made brief eye contact and understood each other completely. He gave me another little squeeze and a nod, so I knew it was time.

"Katsuki and I are dating," I said bluntly. There was a mixture of reactions at the table. My mom and Mitsuki spit out their drinks, Akio and Masaru sat they're wide-eyed, my sisters and Yoshiki seemed unfazed, and Takuma lost his shit, falling onto the ground at all of their reactions.

I was a bit worried at first, but when I saw our mom's quick recovery, I knew everything would be fine. "We were kind of expecting it," Mitsuki said, with my mom nodding right beside her.

It was Katsuki and me who were shocked this time. "You two have been so close ever since you met, it was kind of hard not to expect it, and don't think we didn't see you two holding hands today, you make it so obvious," my mom laughed.

Takuma finally got up and calmed down, and Akio and Masaru looked like they understood. "I think I can speak for everyone when I say I'm happy for you two," Masaru said.

Katsuki and I were relieved that they were fine with it. The whole group finished our food and we got up to go on some rides. Yoshiki followed behind my sisters while Takuma dragged me along and Katsuki came along with us.

We stayed at the festival for the whole day. Everyone had fun and it was like one huge bonding experience. When it turned 8:00, Katsuki and I walked back to the dorms together, hand in hand.

Word count: 1092



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