Chapter 53 ~ You're enough

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It's been one week since I went to the movies with Katsuki, and my self-confidence has been getting worse by the day. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole class noticed.

I've stopped leaving the campus entirely. Every single day, Katsuki questions me. It's almost routine for him to ask me how I am, and if I've eaten.

He seems more nervous around me lately, like he's try8ing to choose his words carefully. I don't care what other people think at this point, I just want to be a girlfriend he can be proud of.

Katsuki Bakugou Pov

(y/n) seems to be more anxious lately, I'm not sure why. She goes to the gym every day now and she skips meals. She's never been very insecure, I wonder what changed.

I want to talk to her about it, but I'm not sure how I should bring it up. I want to do it today, but she's been avoiding me lately, saying she's busy.

Once I got down to the common area, everyone was already there. It was a Friday, so I think I'm going to ask her to stay in my dorm for the night, the subject will probably come up.

3rd Person Pov

(I just realized I've been writing 3rd person Pov as 2nd, so I'm gonna switch it up)

Katsuki walked out of the elevator and towards (y/n). She was holding her arms to her chest and looking down at her feet. Katsuki walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulders.

She flinched and froze, not daring to look him in the eyes. Katsuki didn't remove his hand, but instead gave her a sad look and they began to walk to school.

They walked in silence, Kamianri, Sero, Kirishima, and Mina, stayed quiet too. The silence was so thick you could cut it.

The rest of the walk was silent too, and once they got to the classroom, the rest of the class seemed to have caught on.

When Aizawa had finally entered, he seemed unsettled by how quiet his noisy class was. Even he didn't bother to disrupt it, he just did attendance and went to sleep.

Almost everyone began to chatter once Present Mic walked in. He seemed to bing in a better mood in the class. All except Katsuki and (y/n) talked.

(y/n) seemed to be anxious, thinking anything she said would somehow upset someone or get everyone to turn against her. On the other hand, Katsuki was worried about his girlfriend.

She was his first friend, crush, and girlfriend, of course, he would notice that there was clearly something wrong, and he'd be worried belong belief.

During hero training, (y/n) seemed to either slack off or overexert herself which was an odd sight to see given she normally gave it her all. In the changing room, she either waited for everyone else to finish, or she ran into a bathroom stall.

At lunchtime, she slowly ate her food, not even finishing it, even though 3 weeks ago, she could've eaten a meal for 5 and still been hungry. Katsuki tried to get her to eat more but she refused, making a desperate attempt to tell them that the half ate meal was more than enough to satisfy her needs.

They got back to class and the same thing happened all over again. she didn't pay attention and forgot to take notes. Katsuki tried to get her attention and get her back on track, but she ignored him.

It got to the point where the teacher had to stop the lesson to check on her, but when they approached her, she put on a happy, confident facade and sat up straight, took her notes, and paid attention.

The remainder of the classes continued on like that. She acted like her normal self, so much so that Katsuki almost bought into it. But Katsuki knew her better than she even knew herself.

He read her like an open book, saw past the fake smiles and happy deminer, looking right into her cold, sad eyes, once filled with joy and excitement.

Class ended and she got up with everyone else, rushing over to her normal group of friends. For the first time in a week, she smiled at Katsuki and acknowledged his existence, but this was one he didn't return, and that broke her.

She thought her acting was on point, but she soon realized it was anything but. She thought she had done something to upset him, thoughts of fights, and breakups rushed through her head.

Even though her mood went downhill, her smile only faltered for a second, and she continued on. She walked back to her other friends and began the journey back to the dorms, leaving Katsuki alone in the classroom.

Time Skip,

(y/n) sat in her bed, scrolling through her Instagram when she got a knock on her dorm. She stayed in her bed, hoping they'd just go away, but they knocked once again.

She let a sigh escape her lips and opened the door. Katsuki stood in front of her, hands in his pockets, and the usual glare.

"Want to stay over in my dorm tonight?" he asked, it was very straight forward, but she was used to that by now. She responded with a nod and they both made their way towards the boy's dorm room.

They both walked into his room and sat on the bed. The silence seemed unbearable and both of them itched to have a conversation, but no words came out.

The quiet continued for a few more minutes until Katsuki spoke up. "What the hell is going on with you lately?" he asked. Her eyes went wide and she opened her mouth to speak, "What are you talking about?" she said quietly.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he just let it out. "You've been so quiet lately, this isn't like you, you haven't been eating, you've been insecure, you haven't left campus, even Takuma told me you haven't called! I'm really fucking worried! I want my girlfriend back, not whoever you're pretending to be!" he yelled.

(y/n) stood there completely in shock, but not much later, the tear began to roll down her face. "I'm sorry," she cried, Katsuki's face fell and she continued to cry.

He slowly walked to her and pulled her into a hug. She cried into his arms for almost an hour while he stayed silent and rubbed small circles on her back.

"I-I just want to be enough, enough for you," she cried, "You are enough," he whispered, but deep down, they both knew those simple words, would never be enough to fix a shattered heart.

Word count: 1120

A/N: I ate an entire pound of saltwater taffy and Idk how my tummy feels about it



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