Chapter 3 - Taking Flight

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A/N: This is the last boring chapter; Bakugo is introduced in the next I swear.


You begrudgingly walked from the local coffee shop back to your house. It was early in the morning and it was almost time to leave, but you thought it would be best to get in some morning caffeine before having to sit on a plane for hours.

Your mom packed her carry ons into the car while you had done it before you left, your sisters following close behind. Your friend popped into your mind. It would be hard to leave them, but that was a small price to pay for the future you'd make for yourself.

At around 5:00 AM, you made it to the airport. The sickening feeling of worry filled your senses once again. Even in the early morning hours, the airport was crowded and loud. You and your sisters sat in a row of seats, while you listened to a podcast to try and drown out the high pitched wailing of children, and arguing parents, who had missed their flights.

You felt a small tap on your shoulder from your mother, who was waiting for you to follow her. Just before sitting down, you finished going through security, so it was nearly time to board the plane. You grabbed your carry on bag and quickly got to business, ready to endure a 16-hour flight to a new country.

By the time the flight took off, you were already hunkered down in your seat, laptop open, studying for the entrance exams. It didn't take long for two hours to pass, and not long after, you had fallen asleep. At the four hour mark, you awoke, you could feel your bladder practically bursting at the seams, and went to the restroom.

Once you had finished your business, you headed back to your assigned seat. From just two feet away, you hear a shrill, high pitched wine. From one seat behind you, there was not one, but two children, barely older than one year, screaming and kicking at their mother. You looked back and the tired looking woman profusely apologies, and you assured her you were fine, but gained a massive headache nonetheless. You plugged your headphones in, and out of pure boredom, began to read of all things. The noise had been blocked out from the intense volume of your music.


Nearly one hour later, you had gotten bored of reading, you landed. Not in japan, just another airport in order to switch flights. Your mother grabbed your attention and led you off the plain as well as your siblings. Finally, after hours of boredom, you left the stuffy plane. Thankfully you hadn't been seated next to someone with strong B.O. or screaming children, which had made the flight slightly more bearable.

You walked into Plymouth Oregon (Meaning you flew from the east coast), not even out of the country. Without a second thought, you approached the airport store to get something to drink. When the flight attendant had gone around and asked you if you wanted some food or a beverage, you declined, even though you needed one badly.

On your way back to the table your mom and sisters were seated at, an odd man approached you. He stood around a foot taller than you, and right in your way. The man gave you an ear to ear grin, and when you tried to pass him, he let you. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to walk back to your table, in case he was following you, but you hadn't thought of it at the time.


You and your family finished your food fairly quickly. Walking to the waiting area, you kept an eye out for the odd man. It felt like he was watching you from every angle possible as you let the paranoia take over. "Holy shit" was the only phrase that crossed your mind when he caught your eye. His cold eyes pierced through your skin, and the same wide smile remained on his face. He was on the slimmer side, in fact, it looked as if he hadn't eaten in days. He wore a white button down shirt, a loose tie, black dress pants, and a worn out leather trench coat. His teeth were yellowish, and a gold one stood out from his other features.

The other women, as well as a few children showed visible discomfort, and avoided him like the plague. The smell of molding fabric and rancid milk was noticeable when he had approached you before, but you didn't pay it much mind until now.

A voice on the loudspeaker called your flight number. As you got up and began to board the flight, his gaze drifted from you, to another person, and all you could feel was relief as the distance between you and him grew further. You had to sit on a plane for another nine hours, and you planned to spend that time in peace.

-- Katsuki Bakugo Pov --

The old hag barged her way into my room as usual, spewing out nonsense. I had my earbuds in, and didn't hear her at first, but her voice got louder soon enough. She finished, and walked out, letting me rest my head again.

I must not have heard the door open back up, cause when the pillow she was holding made hard contact with my face, it sure as hell shocked me.

"What the fuck do you want you old hag!" I yelled out of pure impulse. She was unfazed. The pillow she hit me with fell onto my bed as she rested her left hand on her hip.

"Go downstairs and take your laundry up to your room you demon child," she said plainly.

"Whatever," I groaned, throwing my phone back on my bed and straightening out my clothes. I grabbed the hamper handles and brought it downstairs.

I switched over the laundry, and loaded my shit into the wash. The noise from outside only grew since the last time I heard it. From the laundry room window, I saw a moving truck back in towards the empty house next door. Workers unloaded large boxes and furniture.

I focused on my task not long after. The outside world could only entertain me for so long. After grabbing a bottle of water, and finishing the laundry, I head back up to my room. My mom closed the front door and invited someone in. I quickened up my pace, hoping it wasn't my grandparents or someone else I'd have to talk to.

Not even two minutes later, the old hag storms in, this time, I haven't even gotten a chance to get distracted. "The landlord just stopped by. New neighbors are moving in tomorrow. He said they're nice people, with a girl your age, and two other not too far behind. For the love of god Katsuki, make a good impression. I don't want to force them out of the neighborhood on their first day."

"I don't give a fuck, they can move to a whole ass other planet for all I care."

"Clean this filthy room," My mother responded, looking around the spotless floor. I swear, this woman is mental.

I lay my head down once more as she leaves my room, and hope to whatever higher power controls this damn world, that these neighbors won't be as much of a nuisance as the last one.

-- 2nd person Pov 

Midnight stretched across the sky as the plane landed. Your weak legs got up, and finally stretched. You didn't feel like you were in a new country, but you were.

It was one in the morning. Technachly, it was your moving day. Your mother checked in with the car rental place, and you found your temporary vehicle.

It didn't take long for you to get out of security, pick up your bags, and leave the large airport.

Your house wasn't far either. It was about ten miles from the airport, but in that short time, you still managed to fall asleep.

The rest of the night was a blur. You got in the car, drove to your new house, and dropped off your bags.

Your mother set some blankets and pillows on the floor, and just like that, you fell asleep.

So far, your first night in a new country was a success, and you hoped there would be many more nights to come.

— Okay now we're done with the boring stuff —

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