Chapter 56 ~ Party

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Before reading, go and see Marcelo in my OC book to understand And I mean like, the video, it's kiri, I had too


 We got back to the dorms, laughing and giggling about what was happening. We were all excited about the next night. "We should go shopping and pick out cool outfits!" Mina yelled.

"Chill it's just a party, not a fashion show," I laughed, "Well then we should at least pick out nice outfits together," Hagakure said. "We should, It's going to be so fun!" Mina yelled.

The rest of the girls came over and asked how it went. We told them everything, and they squealed, asking for more details. We told them everything we knew.

"So, are you actually going to the party?" Uraraka asked us, "Yeah, we might be home late though," I said, "Just stay safe, we don't want anyone dying," Momo said.

"Don't worry, we'll stay together," Jiro reassured her. "it's getting late, I'm gonna go and start my homework," I said, I got up and headed to the elevator.

The door opened, and I started to head in. On my way in I bumped shoulders with someone and turned to see who it was. I was about to apologize and say sorry, but then I realized who it was.

Katsuki and I made eye contact. He looked like he was about to say something, but I glared and shut the doors before he had a chance.

Katsuki Bakugou Pov

After (y/n) confronted me in the common area, I went up to my dorm. Since our breakup, I haven't been the same. It broke my heart, but she's happier now so I should be glad, right?

After an hour or two, I headed down. The elevator doors opened and I bumped into someone. I turned around to yell, but then I saw who it was.

(y/n) was glaring at me. I opened my mouth to apologize, but she sent a glare and closed the doors. "Damn it," I muttered, clenching my fists in anger.

Time skip, (the next night)

(y/n) (l/n) Pov

Jiro, Hagakure, Mina, and I were all in my room getting ready for the party. Mina and Hagakure were wearing typical party clothes, while Jiro and I were wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

My outfit was more of a crop top and jeans, but it was nothing too revealing. We picked out our shoes and got some money, just in case we needed an uber. (Idk if there are Ubers in Japan)

We headed down to the common area, and everyone started looking at us. "Where are you guys going?" I heard Kirishima ask us, "A friend's house, we're going to be out pretty late," I said, heading out the door.

Hagakure plugged coordinates into her phone and we headed to the station. The train station wasn't too crowded so there were no waits in line.

"So, no drinking, no excepting any drinks from anyone, no smoking, no drugs, and no sex, we're here for one reason and one reason only," I said, The girls nodded their heads and we headed onto the train.

The ride wasn't too long and we chatted the whole time. As we got closer, I got more and more excited. This would be my first party in Japan, so I had no idea how it was going to go.

We got to our destination and began to walk. The guy's house was a five-minute walk away so we jogged, cutting the time to two minutes.

The music boomed from outside and the lights flashed. People were screaming and a fight was going on, on the front lawn. "Let's go," I sighed, looking at the chaotic scene.

People were all crowded inside and the four of us struggled to stay together. We finally found the kitchen which was a bit more open. People were obviously drinking and our vision was clouded by smoke.

Loud music was playing and people were dancing around every corner. "This is mentally exhausting," I groaned, the girls nodded their heads in agreement.

An arm wrapped around my waist and I jumped a bit. "No need to be scared, It's just me, glad you came," the guy from yesterday said, obviously drunk.

"Here, have a drink," he said, handing me a red solo cup. I sat there and looked at it for a minute. Luckily, Jiro was there to save my ass and knocked the drink out of his hand.

"We're not here to drink," she said, dragging me, Mina, and Hagakure away. "Thank's Jiro," I said, sitting down on the couch. "Let's just find someone and get out of here, It reeks of vomit and alcohol," Hagakure said.

"Hey you, over here!" Mina yelled to some boy. He slowly walked over and sat on a separate couch. "What's your name," Mina asked, "Marcelo," he said cooly, looking very confused.

"Well, Marcelo, how would you feel about being my friend's boyfriend?" Mina said with confidence. He looked at all of us and sighed, "I'm flattered, but I'm gay," he said, "Damn it, looks like we have to find someone else," Jiro sighed.

"Why are you just asking people if they'd go out with you or not?" he asked, crossing his arms. "We're trying to make her ex jealous," Mina said, pointing to me.

A smirk spread across his face and he uncrossed his arms. "I could pretend to be your boyfriend," he said, "No way, really," I said with a smile, "yeah sure, why not, I'd be fun, this place is a dump anyway," he said, pointing behind him to a group of drunk teens.

"Alright let's go!" Mina said, running towards the door. We rushed out right behind her and gathered on the front lawn. "So where the hell are we going?" he said, crossing his arms, "Our dorm building," I said, walking right beside him.

"Where do you guys go to school?" he asked, "U.A." I responded, "Damn," is all he said in response.

The rest of the way to U.A., we chatted and got to know Marcelo a bit more. He told us about his life and we told him about ours. After this little, 'make Katsuki jealous' thing, I think we'd be good friends.

We made it all the way to the dorms and walked up the steps. "So you're sure I'm allowed to be here?" he said, just double-checking, "Yeah, our teacher shouldn't be here, and no ones gonna snitch even if it wasn't aloud," I said.

He shrugged his shoulders and we walked inside the building. The class went to greet us but froze. "Who's that?" Midoryia asked, "I'm her boyfriend," Marcelo said, wrapping an arm around me.

Marcelo and I went to the couch and a few others followed. "So, which one is your ex?" He whispered. "The blonde one," I whispered, "That dunce?" he whispered back, pointing to Aoyama who was showing off as usual.

"No the angry looking one," I said, laughing a bit. We stopped whispering and started talking to some of the others who were on the couches.

Not long after, Marcelo leaned in again. "He's looking," he said, looking over to the table. It looked like he didn't notice Marcelo pointing.

I was going to talk again, but I felt a hand in my chin. Marcelo turned my face and roughly kissed me. I was shocked at first, but kissed back. We made out for a few minutes until we heard a chair slam into the table.

Katsuki stomped to the elevator and once the door closed, Marcelo laughed a bit. He handed me a piece of paper with his number and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I should get going babe, talk to you later," Marcelo said with a wave, "Alright, bye," I said, waving. I got up and headed to the elevator, not looking back.

Wow count: 1294



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