Chapter 44 ~ Unbreakable

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It's been about a week. Kirishima and I went to go talk to Amijiki, and fast forward a few days, got excepted into the Fatgum agency. While the rest of the class, excluding Uraraka, and Tsu, had to attend regular classes, the four of us were at our agencies.

I liked the agency, and Amijiki, Kirishima, and I would go out and patrol with Fatgum every night. Things were pretty chill. Most of the villains stayed on the down-low and the streets weren't too crowded.

When we weren't patrolling, we would stay inside and help around the building. We did everything from helping out with paperwork, to running errands.

At the moment, we were currently patrolling the streets. Fatgum was eating food, It had something to do with his quirk which I couldn't really explain. I know how it works, I'm just bad at explaining.

"we've got idiots fighting non-stop on the streets these days, can't eat enough to keep up," Fatgum said while putting another takoyaki in his mouth.

"Anyway, the agencies have been wanting a close combat type, your just what the doctor ordered Redriot," Fatgum said, "I'll do my best," Kirishima replied.

"And your quirk lets you control all four elements, it can be useful in most situations, right Wildfire?" He said, "huh, oh, yeah," I said while snapping out of my daydream.

Kirishima, Fatgum, and I walked ahead while Amijiki trailed behind. "We really appreciate you taking us on," Kirishima added on. "If only Mirio had been around," Amijiki muttered.

"Come on Amijiki, please introduce us to whoever you d your work-study with, you got to, you got to!" "Yeah, come on, it won't hurt to try!" Kirishima and I said.

This happened about a week ago when Kirishima and I went to visit him for the first time. "Man, your persistence was terrifying," He muttered to himself again.

"We got to work on those delicate nerves of yours Tamiki, then you'll be worth your weight in gold," Fatgum sighed. "Your expectations only drag me deeper into despair, it's always like this, I swear this man scouted me just so he could have someone to torment, I want to go home," Amijiki said while burying his face into his hands.

"Come on, calm down, it's not that bad," I said to the older boy. "That's easy for you to say, you enjoy being social," He muttered. I let it be, knowing full well he won't budge, it's not like I haven't tried before.

"Come on man, maybe he's just trying to encourage you, that's what mentors are supposed to do right?" Kirishima asked. "I'm not like you two or Mirio, positivity's not my strong suit," Amijiki said, but calmer this time.

"Hey man, Iknow how it is, sometimes when things get crazy I feel useless too, there's a gap between me and my classmates that's only getting wider, but I'm doing my best to close that gap so I can fight beside them," Kirishima said, trying to encourage the timid boy.

"That right there is positivity," Amijiki replied, "I feel you, I wish I had some of that," I said, a bit jokingly. "Somebody help! their fighting!" A voice yelled in the distance.

We turned our heads to see five supposed criminals running. "Not so fast," Fatgum said while blocking them with his body. "Mr. Fat's got a little hug for you," He said while squeezing them.

One of them escaped using a quirk similar to edge shot. I was about to try and do something, but Amijiki used some sort of squid arms to trap him. "Tentacles? who's this freak!?" He yelled, "That was just cruel," He said, losing any confidence he had gained.

"The guy's a dirtbag loser, don't let it get to you!" I yelled along with Kirishima. Amijiki had beat him up and held him down. "I'm so confused, who are you?" He muttered out while being pinned down by some sort of chicken foot.

Amijiki stayed silent, not even bothering to converse with him. While he was doing this, another one of them escaped, but all I got to do was uproot some rocks and stick them to their feet, keeping them in place.

The police came and I released him. Fatgum complemented Amijiki, and the crowd cheered his name, his hero name to be more specific. "Aw man, I wish I could've done more," I muttered, "Yeah, all I did was sit around," Kirishima and I complained.

The crowd cheered, but something didn't seem right. I looked around the crowd and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a gun pointed right at me. "He has a gun! Everyone get down!" I yelled.

Two shots were fired, one hitting me, and the other one to Amijiki. "All of you, get down now!" Fatgum yelled, he fired another shot, hitting Kirishima right in the forehead.

Luckily, hit bounce right off of Kirishima, leaving the shooter in shock. "That didn't hurt as bad as I thought," I muttered, "Great! you two are alright," Kirishima muttered.

"I got this," I said while standing up. The plan was to use bloodbending, something that I haven't even perfected yet. When I went to use it, nothing happened, "wait, I'll use my tentacles," Amijiki said, he did nothing either.

"What the hell is going on!?" I yelled, trying to use my quirk in any way possible. "don't go running off, that's just asking for more trouble!" Fatgum yelled.

"I'm not hurt but my quirk won't activate!" Amijiki yelled out, "Same, it's just not working!" I yelled. Fatgum looked shocked, as we both sat there. "were's Kirishima?" I said a bit calmer.

The police had finally come around, explaining that the criminals were part of some drug-selling gang. "That must be why our quirks aren't working," I muttered.

"You shot me up with something," Amijiki said to the man. "You think I'll talk for you chicken foot?" the man said, Amijiki then went to go put his head to the wall.

"A-anyway's, you can leave the rest to us," The police officer said.

A few minutes went by, and Kirishima still wasn't there. "Do you think we should look for them?" I asked. Fatgum had already gone to go find him. "I bet they're fine," Amijik said.

After a bit, they came back. We got informed about what happened and how some guy used a quirk enhancing drug. Kirishima asked how we were doing, but we were fine.

Not much happened after that. We headed back to the agency to fill out some paperwork, and then we went to the hospital to get checked out. When we got back to the dorms, Katsuki threw a tantrum.

He yelled stuff about how I should be more careful, and how Pretty soon, the hospital will be my second home. "You act like my mom," I said while waving him off. This didn't help his mood, but thankfully, he shut up for the rest of the night.

Word count: 1169

A/N: sorry this is a really bad chapter, I threw it together in like five minutes.



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