Chapter 11 ~ Scrimmage

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The second day of school

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You arrived at school the next day with Katsuki. You went to your regular classes and had no problems there. UA didn't feel much different from your other school. You arrived at lunch and sat with Katsuki and Mina had also joined you. Later in the lunch, you were joined by Kirishima and Kaminari and they brought their friend Sero along to.

After lunch, the six of you were chatting in the halls. Soon you arrived at your next class, Hero basic training. You seated yourself in the usual spot in front of Katsuki and settled down. Not even five minutes lates the door swung open with great force. "I am here, coming through the door like a hero!" All-might yelled, the whole class gasped and awwed at the number one hero. All-might explained that today, you'd be doing battle training, he instructed you to put on your hero costumes and to meet at ground beta.

You and Mina walked together like normal with your hero suites in hand. "Hey, mina, what does your hero suite look like?" you questioned "You'll just have to wait and see," she answered, you were excited to see everyone's but you were more excited to try yours on.

 "Hey, mina, what does your hero suite look like?" you questioned "You'll just have to wait and see," she answered, you were excited to see everyone's but you were more excited to try yours on

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You and the rest of the girls met the boys right outside ground beta. As you walked in, you could practically feel the newfound confidence radiating off the class. Once you got inside, you all took a minute to admire each other's hero costumes. "WOW, Katsuki, yours looks soooooo good," you exclaimed, "yours doesn't look too bad either," he said with a smirk "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not," you laughed out. You walked over to the rest of your friends and admired theirs also.

"Today we will be conducting fights indoors, while most fights on TV take place outdoors the majority of them happen inside, we will be splitting up into teams of heroes and villains and fight two on two indoor battles, we'll have a few students go twice since the numbers are odd," All-might explained, after all, questions were answered the teams got paired up.

You would only be going once and on a villain team with Katsuki. Todoroki and Kirishima were the hero team you would be fighting against and you were nervous. After a while it was your turn, you didn't know how much energy Katsuki had left because he went all out in the battle with Midoryia, but you still had a bunch.

You and Katsuki devised a plan that was sure to be flawless. Once you got up there, Katsuki was going to go down and fight one of them, leaving the other to you. You would go all-out attempt to capture them or delay them till the time was up. The plan seemed flawless and now all you had to do was put it in motion.

As you entered the building, you headed up to the top floor. The time started and you and Katsuki got ready. Before you could react, a thick sheet of ice came over both of your feet, but due to your quirk, you quickly melted it. Katsuki rushed downstairs and went to go battle one of your opponents.

You sat at the back of the room, right next to the weapon. As you were sitting there, you were secretly hoping that Todoroki wasn't the one to come. It wasn't that you thought Kirishima wouldn't be a problem, It was just that Todoroki and your quirks wouldn't work well together. It had been about three minutes since Katsuki left and you could already hear explosions. It was no use trying to communicate on the headsets because you knew he wouldn't answer, It's not like you would answer either though.

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