Chapter 32 ~ Rescue

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You were driven away, to the hospital, you managed to stay conscious, feeling every bit, of pain. They put you under the anesthesia and you were out. Once they got you to the hospital, they put stitches into your stomach until recovery girl could heal you. The wound reached across the entire middle of your stomach.

After the stitches, they gave you an MRI. You had fully torn two of the four ligaments in your knee. They brought you into surgery right away, replacing the ligaments. By the time your stomach got stitched up, you were in stable condition, but once you woke up, you'd be in a lot of pain.

The doctors put you and Midoryia in the same room. The two of you needed to be under strict watch. You and Katsuki were both all over the news. The public was freaking out about how the league was able to kill one of the students and capture one, even if you did come back.

For the next two days, you and Midoryia both slipped in and out of consciousness. You would be able to walk once you got out, with a compression brace though, and your stomach would still need to be bandaged. Recovery girl came and healed most of your wounds, bandages wrapped around all four of your limbs, the both of you were a mess.

Your mom came to visit, she left a set of clothes and your phone, which you had forgotten at home. You shot up once you heard a knock on the door, with a grunt, you looked over to see Midoryia in the bed next to yours. "Hey, Midoryia, (y/n), you guys are finally awake," Kaminari said while coming through the door. Most of your class was there, but some were still in the hospital, and one was missing.

The class started to talk, Mineta and the rest of the class even brought the two of you a present. You sat and listened to the discussion about your classmates, at some point, you ultimately tuned them out. They all looked down, but you held a straight face. You hadn't gotten to really think and reflect on what happened at the camp.

The mention of Katsuki's name made you flinch. You remembered, you remembered every single thing that happened in that instant. "We, we were so close, so close to saving him, but we couldn't, I couldn't," I said while tears fell from my face and onto my lap. "My body wouldn't move," Midoryia began, tears streamed down his face too. The class could only watch as the two of you cried, and Midoryia continued, "I couldn't save someone who was right in front of me, and since I failed, he's gone,"

"Alright, then let's go get them," Kirishima stared, you whipped your head to face him, "I was here yesterday too, and so was Todoroki, we were on our way to visit the two of you, when we saw All Might and some police officer talking to Yaoyorozu," "This means your going to have Yaoyorozu make another receiver doesn't it," Iida asked, "What if it does?" Todoroki continued, "You should listen to what All Might said! we have to leave this to the professionals, it's not the right time for us to get involved! Idiots!" Iida yelled back.

"Maybe, but all I know is that at camp, I couldn't do anything, I heard my friend was targeted, and I just stood by, helpless, so if I stand by now, how am I supposed to call myself a hero or a man!" Kirishima yelled back, "Kirishima calm down, we're in a hospital, there's a better time and place for this dude," Kaminari pointed out. The others tried to calm him down too. "All of you, just listen to me for a minute, I know what your saying is right, but come on you two, he's still within your reaches, we can save Bakugou," he said.

Todoroki and Kirishima explained their reasonings, but you already knew where you stood. Everyone gave their reason to agree or disagree, and then we heard a knock on the door. The class had to go and the doctor came in to talk to us, "We talked to Yaoyorozu yesterday, if we're doing this, it's tonight, look I know you guys have some pretty hardcore injuries, so I don't know if you can go, but I wanted to invite the two of you since you guys probably feel the worse, we'll meet in front of the hospital after dark," Kirishima said before leaving.

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