Chapter 40 ~ the big three

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"I'll have people who have experienced it first hand explain, I suggest you listen carefully as the explain how work studied differ from internships," Aizawa started.

Three third years walked in, "These are third years at U.A., they rank at the very top of our student body, you may know them as, the big three," Aizawa said, sill in a dull voice, but presenting them the introduction of some world-class wrestler.

"wow," I said, the class looked shocked. "Get to it, introduce yourselves briefly, let's start with Amijiki," Aizawa said, He gave the class a look that made shivers go down our spines.

"It's no good, you two go, I just can't, even if I try to imagine them like potatoes, I can see their human bodies, I know that their still people, no words coming out, my minds blank, and my mouth is dry, I can't say anything, I wanna, go home," He said while facing the wall.

"Come on Amijiki, you need to have the heart of a lion, not a kitten, even though your human, yo know what I mean?" A bubbly girl said. "This is our kitten, Tamaki Amijiki, I'm Nejire Hado, I'm supposed to talk about work studies, your first years have a really exciting time ahead of you," She said.

"Hey wait, hold on, what are you wearing a mask, is it because you're feeling sick, or just trying to look cool?" The girl said while leaning close to Shoji. "Oh yeah! and you must be Todoroki, how did you get that big burn on your face?" She said, He also looked confused.

She went on and on, it was hard to keep up. "The futures gonna be-" a long blonde boy yelled. "gonna be what?" I said, "Awful, that's your part guys, oh crap, my response was a total fail," He said a little too excited.

At this point my mind was blank. It's like they drained the focus, energy, excitement, and sanity from me. "The problem must be, you don't don't have a sense of humor, that's why my joke didn't land," He muttered.

"don't do it," Amijiki muttered, "Heads up, the plan is all you first years fight me at once," He yelled while fist-pumping. Aizawa agreed and we changed into our gym uniforms while heading to gym gamma.

"Is he, for real?" Sero questioned, "Mirio, your impossible, it would have been simple enough for us to just tell them this is what it's like, here's what we learned from it, not everyone has your level of drive, plus, think about how bad it would be it some of them can't recover after fighting you, no one wants to spend the next few years in a hospital bed," Amijiki said.

I stared blankly, "Hospital bed?" I muttered, a bit confused. Nejire gave a warning, all while playing with Mina's horns. "View this as a learning experience," Aizawa yelled, Midoryia stepped up to go first.

"Oh, the problem child, I've heard a lot about you!" Mirio yelled. Midoryia stretched and got ready to fight. We all got ready to fight but got shocked when the boy's clothes completely fell off, making him naked.

Midoryia went in for a kick, but his leg passed right through. I sent a rock right at him, along with a few others, but he disappeared. "I think I'll start by taking out the long-distance fighters," He said, popping up right behind Jiro.

Amijiki talked about how Miro didn't stop once he got good, and kept on building up, all while punching us in the guts. I managed to dodge him a few times, but eventually how to hit too.

All of the long-distance fighters got hit, and now it was all up to the close distance. They got beat at an instant, it was amazing. "I tried not to show you my willie, sorry if you got a peek," Miro said as we all say groaning on the floor.

"Isn't my quirk strong?" Mirio asked the class, "Yeah! too strong," "It's not fair, mines nothing in comparison," "how can you slip through things and warp? do you have two powers like Todoroki does?" Some of the kids complained.

"Nope, just one," Mirio said, "Oh I know, I can tell you what his quirk is! Hey hey, can I say it, Permeation," Nejire yelled, not giving Mirio a chance to answer.

"Hado, let Mirio explain his own power," Tamiki said, "Yep, I got a sweet quirk that's called permination, what you guys thought of as a warp was, you guessed it, simply an alternative application of that power," He said to us.

He explained his power to us. It seemed pretty cool, not that I would ever trade my quirk for anyone else. He also explained how his quirk was hard to use. He also talked about the work studies and how he used it to an advantage.

We clapped after his big speech. "This is going to be so cool," I said, "Yeah!" Hagakure agreed. We thanked them and headed back to class. I think that we can all agree Mirio helped us.

Back at the dorms,

"Hey! If you got trash bring it over here!" Katsuki yelled. I walked over with a few of the other kids and went to hand him my trash. "You bastards, it's like you've been hoarding this for weeks!" he yelled.

I walked over to the rest of the girls and let Katsuki do his job. "I'm really looking forward to the work studies," I squealed like a pig while clenching my fists.

In class, Aizawa said that not all of us would be able to do some. I hoped I could get one, even though I had a pretty good grasp on my quirk, but that doesn't mean I couldn't get better.

We could use the connections from our hero internships to get one, but I wasn't too fond of the idea of going back to Endevars agency. He was just a bit too strict for my liking, he also kind of weird.

We ate dinner and got to relax for a bit. I was just talking with Katsuki a bit, nothing special. We went to bed like normal, and that was it.

Word count: 1045



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