Chapter 6 - Quirks and Curry

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Chapter edited/updated 1/26/2024.

Katsuki Bakugo POV

Waking up, I was immediately reminded of what day it was. I couldn't tell if I was stressed or excited, but there was no way I could ignore my alarm. Quickly, I dressed in my school uniform and packed up my bag, taking a quick shower and going out to meet (y/n).

After a solid five minutes of waiting in her driveway, she finally came out so we could head to the school. We agreed to meet up after the tests, then, without further conversation we parted ways for our tests. Her heading to the stupid recommendation exam, while I went to the other one. 

Of course, I had to run into that green haired fuck up, and after a 'friendly chat' we headed inside. Who the hell does he even think he is? He can't just try and outshine me like this? Why even try? He knows there's no way he'll pass. He's just a delusional, pathetic, quirkless wannabe.

Going in, I took the written exam, and it was easy of course. (y/n) and I studied quite a bit and we were prepared. It was just some stupid shit we learned in middle school just a bit more advanced. I could tell I wasn't the only one who found it easy but some of the extras looked to be struggling. Then, the time finished, and I headed out.

We were brought to a lecture hall and Deku sits down next to me with a round-faced bitch. He starts to babble and some stuck up asshole calls him out for it. I'm relieved when I find out we won't be in the same zone. We would be fighting robots which would not be too hard, with a quirk like mine, this shit should be easy. I take out so many robots it's hard to count, some shitheads looked like they needed help but I didn't care, it's not like we're getting graded on heroics.

When the time is up I go outside to meet up with (y/n). That loser got into my head again, who the hell does he think he is. (y/n) could tell I was in a bad mood and casually asks what's wrong. "I saw that shitface Deku and he's starting to get on my nerves," I said and she just gives me a puzzled look.

"Who the fuck is Deku," she asks and I just reply with

"No one important,".

We walked home, talking about what we did in the exams. Hers sounded fairly easy but she was also going up against some pretty fucking strong kids. When we talked about the written exams it sounded like they were about the same difficulty, just different questions. We were about 3 minutes from our houses when she asked me a fucked up question.

2nd Person POV

The two of you Talked about your exams, and you were confident you both went well. There wasn't just a chance the two of you would get into the hero course, you both knew it was guaranteed. Sure, the acceptance rate was extremely selective, but you were the best.

Time passed and distance was covered, and you got what you assumed was the most brilliant idea you could get. Since you'd done so well, you thought the only logical thing to do was celebrate. He did not look in the mood, but what was the harm in asking.

"Katsuki, let's go out to eat," you asserted rather than asked. He's the type of guy to say no even if he wanted to, so telling was a better way to get the point across.


"Okay then, um... I like spicy, let's do that," you continued. If he really had a problem, he'd definitely say something about it.

"Shut up."

"I saw this curry place when you showed me around town, let's go there."


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