Chapter 4 - meeting

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You woke up at exactly six o'clock in the morning. The sun was at the perfect angle to shine directly into your eyes. It turned out to be a pretty good start to the day, you know, apart from nearly being blinded.

Your mom walked into the living room where you had set up camp the night before. She informed you that the movers had put your bed in your room. Just a week before, while looking at the ad for the house, you and your sisters chose which rooms you were going to have. The two of them would share a large room, while you would have a slightly smaller room to yourself.

That's not the only thing your mom had come to tell you though. "I went to unpack the rest of our things from the car this morning," she started. Your mom looked out the window to the house next door with a smile. "And a nice woman from next door invited us to dinner. It was a nice gesture so I accepted. I'm not forcing you to go, but it would be nice of you to join your sisters and I."

You took a moment to think about it. You were still so tired, but coming to the conclusion that if you didn't introduce yourself now, you never would, which finalized it.You accepted the offer from your mom. She smiled and walked away towards yet another box that needed to be unpacked.

"Oh, by the way!" She yelled from the other room. You turned your head to see her looking directly at you. "Dinner is at their house, so try to make a good impression. You don't need to go all out, but at least try and make yourself look presentable. That means NO sweatpants," your mom finished sternly.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not a complete slob," You finished, gathering your blankets and trudging up the stairs to your room. Thankfully the steps weren't steep, because you knew full well you would fall straight on your face.


The time read 5:30 PM, making the whole dinner thing in a half hour. You unpacked your clothes, folding/hanging them up in your closet and drawers. Then, unpacking your bedding, you made your bed and set up a bedside table. Your room was nearly completed, apart from a few small boxes.

The internet had been set up, so you quickly found yourself distracted by scrolling through social media. Your friends had just gone on a beach day, and you couldn't help but feel a small twinge of jealousy.

Shortly after your mom reminded you of the time, and you got up to get ready. Try to imagine it like a sundress or something, I'm not writing about the met gala. 

That last half hour passed quickly. Before you knew it, It was time to head over to Bakugo's house. You had to admit, you were anxious. You'd had the same friend group your entire life, so meeting new people wasn't something you typically had to do often.

Your mom was the first one to knock on the door. Her supposed friend was the one to answer.

"(M/N)! How are you? Come on in," she said enthusiastically.

"Hello, I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, but you can just call me Mitsuki." she said, greeting you as you walked in.

"Hi, I'm (y/n)," you said, holding out a hand to shake. Mitsuki accepted it gratefully. You, your mom, and sisters took your shoes off at the door. You walked behind your family, carefully abiding eye contact with anyone. You hated going to new peoples houses, that's just the way it was.

The table was set up with various dishes. Mitsuki invited you to the table. You took a seat with your mom to the left, and the only empty seat left to the right of you. Mitsuki whispered to her husband and excused herself from the table. You paid it no mind, and waited for Mitsuki to start eating.

She came down only three minutes later. A boy, who you assumed was her son, followed her down the stairs.He had spikey blonde hair, red eyes, and stood around the same height as his mom. He wore black dress pants with a white dress shirt loosely tucked into it.

You felt another striking pain in your heart. If there was anything you hated more than going into new houses, it was going into new houses and meeting people who lived there, especially teenage boys. Probably some of the most judgmental creatures on earth.

In that moment you could have thought up a million reasons for you to go home. You needed to throw up, you left a candle burning, you forgot you'd tried to bake something, but you couldn't bring yourself to use any of them as the boy approached the empty seat.

Your mother nudged your shoulder, obviously hinting that you should find him attractive or something. You hissed a 'stop' at her before gathering up the courage to awkwardly introduce yourself.

"Hey, I'm (y/n) (l/n), what's your name?" you asked in a calm, neutral tone. Nothing rude or too enthusiastic. The look on his face told you that he didn't appreciate loud and exuberant personalities. You chose to follow your gut feeling on this one.

"Katsuki Bakugo," he started. His mother gave him a short look. Her intention was clear in her eyes, and the boy seemed to get the message. There was a short pause before he continued.

"Nice to meet you." He kept the same neutral tone you had, and returned the same attitude. From what you could tell, his tone didn't match the look on his face.

Maybe he had a major RBF, or he was in a generally bad mood. For whatever reason, you could tell he wanted the conversation to be over and done with. Yet you continued, acting on your persistent nature, and rejecting all social cues due to the intense uncomfortable feelings you felt.

"By the way, I know calling people by their last name is a thing here in Japan. You can call me by my first name, or last. I don't have a preference."

"Same here."

"So, what school are you applying to?" You asked, trying to keep the conversation alive. He took a brief pause, scooping some rice into his mouth and swallowing before fully answering.

"U.A., and you?"

He countered with another question. This conversion was going somewhere. You were making progress.

"I got into one of the recommendation spots a little while back. It's a pretty competitive school, do you think you'll make it in?"

He thought about his answer for a good minute. You were starting to wonder if he had even heard you.

"Of course I will." It didn't look like he was bluffing. He really believed he would make it. You had no right to not believe him, just as much as you had no right to look down on him, so you chose to believe what he was saying was true.

He had a confident smirk on his face.

"Well, I hope to see you there," you finished.


You left the Bakugo residents shortly after dinner was finished. Katsuki had agreed to show you around the city the next day. His decision was probably heavily influenced by his mothers attitude, but you appreciated it either way.

That night, you ended up falling asleep at around two in the morning. Later than you wanted, but you'd be up in time for the grand tour.

The night ended on a good note. You were at least generally acquainted with a kid your age, and your families really seemed to connect.

Who knows, maybe something good would come out of it. 


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