Chapter 18 ~ Back to school

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It was finally time to go back to school. It has been two weeks since the USJ incident, and the news was still talking about you. During our time off, I had been taken in by the police to answer some questions about the attack, but they still haven't gotten any closer to finding the people responsible.

I missed school and my friends, but now, I was just happy to be back. Katsuki and I hadn't hung out the whole time, besides the one sleepover. Before we left, I hadn't heard about any upcoming events held by the school, so I just assumed we would do routine school work.

I woke up per usual and got dressed in my uniform. All I had time to do was brush my teeth and grab a granola bar because my alarm didn't go off. I ran out the door to see a very pissed Katsuki by my house. "You're really fucking late, we need to hurry," he growled, I could tell that he didn't have the best morning and chose not to provoke him.

"Who knows what would've happened if the pro's hadn't shown up," Sero stated, Mineta, looked like he was going to have a panic attack or a seizure, not that I wouldn't mind. "Shut up! grow a pair loser!" Katsuki screamed at the top of his lungs, "What's wrong with you, you're a bit grumpy today, wake up on the wrong side of the bed," I snickered at the angry blonde, I wasn't going to provoke him, but it was just so hard not to.

"attention, homeroom class is about to begin, everyone, pay attention and get in your seats," Iida said while charging into the room. "You're the only one standing," someone yelled, Iida looked embarrassed and sat back in his seat. Just then, a bandaged Mr. Aizawa came through the door.

Just as expected, everyone voiced their concerns to which he brushed off, but it was true that he looked horrible. I too was a bit shocked that he had come into school, he was limping and we couldn't even see his face.

"your fight isn't over yet," he announced to the class, we all gave worried looks. It couldn't possibly be more villains, could it? "the U.A. sports festival is about to start," he mumbled, everyone was pumped, well, except for me. I had heard of a sports festival before, but I had no idea what it was, we didn't do those in America.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa, what's the sports festival?" I blurted out without thinking. The whole class gave me looks that I couldn't quite read. "How do you not know what the sports festival is?" Kirishima asked, "she's an American, of course, she doesn't know what it is, they're clueless," Kaminari stated bluntly, "how does being American have anything to do with it!" I yelled at him, he slouched down like a scared puppy and stayed quiet.

Mr. Aizawa said that it was a competition to display our quirks and to be scouted for another event coming up. I got pretty excited since I've always been overly competitive. "But if it's a public event, is it really such a good idea to have it, what if we get attacked again?" I asked, some of the other agreed to that. "the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and we've recovered, puls, they're beefing up security compared to past years."

Everyone was talking about how the top heroes would be watching and that this is a big global event, but I was just thinking about how I've never heard about it before, am I really that stupid?

"so Katsuki, you ready?" I asked, I said it calmly, but I felt like I was gonna explode. Just like most of our classmates, I was planning on winning this thing. "Yeah what about you?" he grumbled, "Hell yeah!" I yelled, the whole class seemed to go silent, I was loud, but not that loud, "what the hell is everyone looking at?" I yelled again, "Wow, sometimes you really remind me of Bakugou," Sato said, "I'm nothing like him!" I yelled again, they all just laughed and went back to their normal conversations.

I grabbed my phone and looked up some of the highlights from the past sports festival. I was amazed at how cool it looked, Katsuki was looking over my shoulder and we both awwed at the sight.

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