Chapter 22 ~ Internships

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It was the first day of our internships, and the whole class was inside the station. We had our bags and our hero costumes ready to go, we were waiting for our trains. Once we got released, I went to our platform and waited for my train to come. Todoroki came and stood right next to me since we were heading the same way.

We stood in comfortable silence. The train arrived right on time. It wasn't very packed, so we got a seat. I sat down, and Todoroki sat down right beside me. Once I got settled, I placed in my earbuds and turned on my music.

About half an hour into the ride, I felt a head, rest on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Todorki passed out on my shoulder, I swear, that boy could sleep anywhere. I gave off a sweet smile, but it soon turned into a devilish one once I got an idea. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few quick photos.

While looking through the photos, I couldn't help but blush, and then proceeded to send them to Mina. I was expecting Mina to reply quickly but not immediately. When I checked the message, I saw 'WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON' printed on my screen in all caps.

The quick realization, that I had, in fact, not sent them to Mina, and had sent them to the devil himself.

Home slice




umm, don't worry about it


Katsuki read the message, and I turned my phone off, not wanting to get into an argument. We still had an hour left until we got to Hosu, so I turned my phone back on watched Netflix.

The ride was peaceful, and Todoroki had been asleep the entire time. Every few minutes, he would move his head around or lean in closer, but I didn't mind.

When we finally arrived at our stop, I gently awoke the sleeping boy. Once he realized, the position we were in, a light, blush dusted his cheeks. I laughed it off, and we began to walk. For the entire walk to the agency, Todoroki and I got to know each other a bit more.

I learned his favorite color, what his hobbies were, and other stuff like that. I had to admit, it was fun, talking to him.

We finally arrived at a large building, the Endevar agency. As we walked through the large glass doors, we got welcomed by the receptionist. The lady offered to lead us up the Endevar's office, but as I expected, Todoroki already knew the way.

We were sitting in Endevar's office, and he began to speak. "I'm glad you two both excepted my offer, I was able to put in two this year," he spoke, and Todoroki just grunted. "(l/n), do you have any idea why I chose you?" Endevar spoke, I shook my head in reply, "It's because I saw a lot of potential in you, just as much as Shouto, but you are also weak, so I decided I would train you," he said.

After a quick conversation, Endevar had someone show us to our rooms and instructed us to get changed into some workout clothes. Todoroki and I met outside of our quarters and wandered to the gym.

For two hours, Todoroki and I ran/sprinted on the treadmills, and if that doesn't sound like enough torture, the incline level was almost at the max. When we finished with that "warmup," we moved onto weight training.

We had to plank for nearly half an hour with weight, slowly, being added onto our backs. Todoroki and I were both sweating immensely, and it was only the second exercise.

I had to admit, I was fit, but this was going to be hard for anyone. The next things we did, was just some basic workouts, but altered to be more difficult.

We were tired and ready to collapse by the end of the training session. Todoroki and I begrudgingly trudged to our water bottles and threw a towel around our necks.

With the last of our energy, the two of us rolled out some mats and began to stretch our overworked muscles. The workout was pure torture, but I got through the whole thing. I was not about to be accused of weak muscles or poor endurance.

Once we finished our stretches, I felt much better. A bit of my energy returned and we walked back to our rooms together.

Endevar said that food would be delivered to rooms shortly and that we would need a lot of sleep because the next day would be even tougher. After a long, and much-needed shower, I changed into a pair of black sweatpants, and a t-shirt.

A nice woman walked into my room with a tray of food. There was quite a bit of food on the tray. About five minutes after the food arrived, Todoroki trudged into my room, carrying his tray of food.

While stretching, I had asked him if he wanted to eat together and he agreed. He was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a black tank top. The two of us sat on the floor in front of my bed and ate. We talked about the internship, schoolwork, heroes, and what would be occurring the next day.

Todorki said it would most likely be the same thing, but with our quirks added in. I trusted his word considering he lived with the man. After a bit, I managed to finish all of my food. Todoroki headed back to his room, and the two of us went to bed effortlessly.

Internship day three

We were woken up at the crack of dawn. Once we got dressed, we found breakfast waiting for us outside our doors. After scarfing down our meals, we got dressed in more workout clothes and went back to the gym.

After the usual workout, we were instructed to meet in Endevar's office in our hero suites. "Today, we'll be doing something different, we will be patroling Hosu," Endevar announced. To be honest, I was overjoyed, but I kept a stoic face.

It was sunset now and we were just heading out. When we left the building, people stared. For the first time in a while, I felt like a real hero. "Hurry up you two," Endevar announced, "Let me show you what a real pro looks like."

Word count: 1082

A/N: This chapter is unedited, sorry. I hope you liked it though



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