Chapter 52 ~ insecure

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I lifted my shirt and looked in the mirror, It's not what I wanted to see. It seems like for the past week I can't see myself in the eyes of what he wants.

Katsuki never said that he didn't like me that way I was, I just wanted to prevent that from happening. Lately, I had been skipping meals and weighing myself every chance I get. I'm fully aware my new habits aren't healthy, but I can't bring myself to love what I see in the mirror.

My head snapped to the side as someone knocked on my door. "(y/n), you're going to be late if you don't come out soon, do you want me to grab you some breakfast?" Mina yelled from my door.

My heart practically stopped, "Umm, no, I already ate," I yelled in a shaky voice, "Hey, are you okay, you sound scared?" she asked, "Yeah, I just a surprised," I responded.

I heard her footsteps trail away, and I let out a sigh. I don't know why I was doing this to myself. Maybe it was because I wanted to please Katsuki, or perhaps it was me, I'm not even sure.

I walked out of my bathroom and threw on my school uniform, grabbed my bag, and headed to the common area. Everyone was there, ready to go, so I waited with the rest of them.

I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder and looked up to see Katsuki casually resting his arm on my shoulder. He smirked at me and smiled back.

"Hey, Babe," he started, "Oh, so it's Babe now?" I laughed, "S-shut up," he stuttered, blushing a bit, "No need to worry, It's cute," I said with a small smirk.

"Anyways, do you want to go out and eat somewhere today?" He asked I began to panic, the unhealthy thoughts pouring into my head. "Um, how about we go see a movie?" I suggested, he gave me a strange look, it was unlike me to turn down food.

"Yeah, are you alright? You seem kind of nervous today," he asked, yeah, I'm perfectly fine," I said, heading towards the door, "Come one, we'll be late if we don't get going now," I said, opening the door.

We walked and talked the whole way to our class, but every time the subject of food came up, I stayed quiet. Just the thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

"Are you sure your okay?" Katsuki asked, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Yeah, don't worry," I muttered, walking forward a bit, "You know I love you right, you can talk to me," he said, trying to catch up.

"I know, I love you too, I'm just really tired," I said, beginning to walk up the steps, He wrapped his arm around me as we headed up the stairs to our classroom.

Aizawa finished homeroom and we quickly went through our next few classes. Before I knew it, it was lunch. Mina and I walked through the lunch line and got our food.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not cutting off food completely, just depreciating it so I can get results. Once we sat down at the table, Katsuki wrapped his arm around me again.

"Your so touchy today, what's up with that?" I laughed, "Because I love you," he said plainly, Kaminari and Mina snickered from the other side of the table. "Shut the fuck up!" he yelled from across the table.

I laughed and then began to eat. Lunch went smoothly and we headed back to our classes. Midnight began our lesson and I paid attention, but quickly got distracted.

I could feel two eyes staring me down, and when I turned, I could see Katsuki burning holes in the back of my head. "What are you looking at?" I whispered, "Well I was trying to look at the board, but your big fat head is in the way," He laughed.

I tried to smack him in the head but it failed miserably. My chair fell back, along with the desk which got caught on my leg. I sat on the ground, completely stunned while the entire class stared at me.

"If you two aren't going to pay attention, I suggest you leave," Midnight said, clearly unamused. I quickly picked up my desk and sat back down, we both apologized and she continued with the lesson.

Time skip,

Our classes finished and Katsuki and I headed back to the dorms. We headed our separate ways and went to go get changed.

I put on a long sleeve and a jacket, along with a pair of sweatpants. I wasn't about to dress up for a movie. I headed back down to the common room where Katsuki was already waiting for me.

He grabbed my hand and we headed out the doors and off the campus. As we walked down the street, I couldn't help but feel the stares of the people walking past us.

We were U.A. students, I should be used to people staring at me by now, but I couldn't help but shake. Somewhere along the way, all my insecurities came rushing at me at once.

I began to shiver more, feeling like I was going to crumble under the pressure. "Are you okay? You shouldn't be that cold, you're wearing a jacket," Katsuki said, "Y-yeah, I'm fine," I muttered under my breath.

He let go of my hand and slung his arm around my shoulder. It may not have been a huge difference, but I felt my anxiety ease up a bit.

We headed into a nearby store to by movie snacks, the stuff at the theater is too expensive for our broke asses.

Once we finally got to the movie theater, the sky was gloomy and the air was cold, so we ran in and quickly bought our tickets. Katsuki picked a horror movie, I was nervous, to say the least.

I was scared but once the movie started, I calmed down. It was a fairly scary movie, but it was nothing I would ever have nightmares about though.

"That was a complete waste of money," Katsuki groaned, "I mean, It wasn't a horrible movie, but when I said horror, I didn't mean that," I complained.

We continued to talk about the movie all the way back home. Once we got back, it was around dinner time, so we sat with the class and ate.

A few hours later, I went up to my room to get some rest. This was the first time I had been alone since I had gotten home, and the silence was suffocating.

I didn't even bother getting dressed for bed, I just laid down and closed my eyes. There was nothing here to occupy me, so I decided to get lost in my thoughts.

Once again, all I could think about was Katsuki, and my sweet, sweet, insecurities.

Word count: 1158

A/N: I know that this is a shitty chapter, but the point of it is that (y/n) is getting very insecure and just wants to be good enough for Katsuki because she thinks that he won't love her if she isn't up to her own standards, If that makes sense.



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