Chapter 47 ~Mission PT.1

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A few days have passed since the meeting with the heroes. I returned to school the day after the dinner. At the moment, we were in gym class. While we were in school, the pro heroes were trying their hardest to pinpoint the location of Chisaki.

Until they could do so, we were on standby, waiting for a call to tell us it was time. We were under strict orders not to say anything about the mission, to anyone.

"You can really tell who started their work studies huh," Jiro said as we stood on top of a rock wall. "They picked up some new tips and tricks while they were away, hey what have you guys been learning, tell me!" Katsuki yelled.

Midoryia and I looked down as the rest continued to climb up. "I already told you, we can't!" I yelled back. Katsuki had been pestering me to tell him everything that happened, and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't.

Kirishima, Tsu, Midoryia, Uraraka, Midoryia, Everyone who was there would be helping on the mission to save Eri. It angered me to know that our first years wouldn't be able to help as much.

As Mr. Aizawa said, the big three are one thing, but we would be minimally involved.


"Kirishima, (l/n), Asui, And Uraraka, you four didn't volunteer for this so your participation is optional," Mr. Aizawa spoke to us. It was right after the meeting when Nighteye explained everything.

"Mr. - I mean Eraserhead, after everything we just heard, I can't imagine not helping out!" I said, "Yeah, If your gonna let us be a part of this, I'd like to pitch in however I can," Tsu continued.

"The heroes asked you to be in that meeting, I don't think they'd want you to be there if they didn't recognize your abilities, I mean, I've seen for myself that a first-year can shine much brighter than me," Amijiki said, "You're gonna have to let that go at some point you know," Nejire replied.

"If I can use my power to help that girl even a little bit, then count me in!" Kirishima said while punching his fists together. "As long as you all understand, our scope here is limited, for now, our only goal is to rescue Eri, we can't step in further than that, given the altercation, the night eye agency nor the police suspect the league and the Shie Hassaikai have formed a partnership, so the chances are low that the league will be involved, but if it turns out they're mistaken about that, and the league does end up putting in an appearance, you guys are out," Aizawa said.

"Understood sir," we said in unison.

Flashback ended,

We were all pumped to rescue Eri, but something seemed off. I'm not sure what, but it seemed almost too easy. It was most likely my overthinking, I mean, I've never actually been on a real mission before.

We sat down at our lunch table. I got into the lunch line and got my food. The quality still amazed me, it's like the American schools are trying to poison us.

Since we started our work studies, I feel as though Katsuki has been shutting me out. I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting ahead, or we haven't been hanging out as much, but every time I look and him, he either glares or looks away. It's not just that though, everything seems off.

"Katsuki, can I talk to you, alone," I said, he nodded and we got up, walking outside of the lunchroom. "Why have you been shutting me out?" I asked him, "What do you mean?" He said, a hint of pink appearing on his cheeks.

"A-are you blushing?" I smirked, trying to get a good look at his face, "Fuck no!" he screamed before running back into the lunchroom. I didn't get my answer, so I just followed behind.

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