Chapter 42 ~ Yakuza

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"The airs practically made of dust here, it's gonna make me sick," A voice said. "Join the club, the guys inside have been sick for a while," twice said while opening the door.

The rest of the group was waiting for them inside. "Well now, you've brought us a pretty big catch huh Twice," Shigiraki said, "You think so? strange, coming from you, the league of villains," Overhaul said.

"What gives? is this guy famous or something?" Big sis mag said. "My master showed me a picture of him, he's what you'd call yakuza, the young head of the Shie Hassaikai, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Said Shigiraki.

"He's the number two of the whole gang? I've never met anyone like him before, he smells so dangerous how exciting," Mag said, sounding a bit like a fangirl.

"What's the deal, we're all criminals here so how is this guy different?" Toga questioned Mr. compress. "Allow me to tell you a story, in the past, there were many different scary groups that ran the underworld after the hero's started thriving though, they slowly but surely began to disband, when all might took the stage their era was over, the Yakuza survivors who weren't caught became renda thugs for villain groups, in other words, they were the lowest form of criminal, the ones scraping by to make a living, frankly, their obsolete, and endangered species," Compress finished.

"Endangered species huh? I guess that's true," Overhaul said, "Yeah, what's a Yakuza thug from the slums doing here? Let me guess, you're excited about all mights retirement too?" Mag teased.

"It's good that he's gone, sure, but I'm more interested in all for one's absence, the dark emperor who ruled over the shadows, the old-timers always feared him, even after rumors of his death, honestly though, most people my age thought he was an urban legend, you can imagine the shock when he showed up in the flesh, but in the end, the big bad was thrown in to torturous, and the symbol of peace retired, which means those of us in the shadows and those in the light are both leaderless, so, who will step up to take their places," Overhaul said.

"You know who my master is but you've still got the nerve to ask that, sounds like a challenge, I'm the next leader, even now I'm gathering my troops, our numbers continue to increase, with our combine power, I'll turn hero society to dust," Shigaraki said while jumping off his box.

"You have an actual plan?" Overhaul questioned, "Watch your tongue, and your tone, I thought you came here to join up with us?" Shigiraki questioned, "A goal without a plan is just a wish if that's what your offering, why should I join you? what even happens after you increase your forces? do you have any idea how you would even organize your league, you had the hero killer stain at your side, muscular, moonfish, all first-class game pieces, and you lost 'em, maybe you just didn't know how to play the game, you can't even manage a few crazy people but you wanna build an army? don't make me laugh, what happens when that power spirals out of control, you need direction to achieve your goals, and I have a plan, I didn't come here today because I wanted to join you," He said.

"You brought this idiot here without knowing his intentions twice," Shigiraki said, sending a chill up his spine, "In order to execute my design, I need money, unfortunately, there aren't many people looking to invest in obsolete, small-time Yakuza, now your group, on the other hand, has widespread name recognition, put yourself under me, make me your new leader, and I'll show you exactly how to use the right tools." Overhaul suggested.

"Leave," Shigiraki hissed, "Sorry small fry, but we didn't band together to serve under somebody's boot," Magna said while attempting to pull in and hit Overhaul with his quirk.

"The other day, I met with an old friend she's a gentle soul, but she supports me, even knowing about my past, you know what she said? Those who are bound by the chains of society, laugh at those who aren't, I'm here because I don't want to be bound by anything! we're free to decide for ourselves exactly where we belong!" Mag yelled while striking Overhaul.

Overhaul scratched mag in the arm, making their whole top half explode. "No, big sis mag!" Toga yelled as she watched her friend's blood splatter on the walls.

"Just remember, you made the first move, ugh, I'm filthy now, that's why I hate the aftermath," Overhaul said. Compress lunged at Overhaul, Shigaraki made a desperate attempt to stop him but it was too late.

Compress was hit with a bullet, and his quirk temporarily stalled. "Don't touch me!" Chisaki yelled, disassembling his arm the same way he did with big sis mag.

He yelled in agony, and Shigaraki lunged at him too. A man jumped in front of Overhaul to protect him but was turned to dust in my prosses. Chisaki watched as one of his men decayed, making the score almost even.

"Now I get it," Shigaraki muttered as more of Overhauls men came through the side of the building. "You should have just started with this, saved us all some time,"

"That was a close one Overhaul," A man said, "Your late," is all he had to say in response. The league was confused by the sudden appearance of the other men, summing it up to be the result of a tracking quirk.

"hard to be objective in this situation, besides, killing each other isn't productive, a death on both sides, lest's take a breather," Overhaul said calmly, acting like that whole incident didn't just happen.

The Group started to leave. Twice and Toga wanted to cut them to pieces, but that wasn't part of Shigaraki's game plan. Even though he denied, Twice and Toga were adamant about getting the job done, but Shigaraki wouldn't let that happen.

"I don't wanna rush you, but the sooner we talk, the better, think things over carefully, figure out how your organization should be run, then, when you've calmed down, call me," Overhaul said while throwing a business card at Shigarki's feet, then leaving without another word.

Word count: 1061



A/N: school is finally over so I will be able to write more often.

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