Chapter 35 ~ Exposed

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I got up, as tired as ever. "Good morning," Iida said as I walked to get breakfast, I gave him a look and said, "No it's not," and walked off. This is how I usually wake up.

We ate breakfast, and my mood started to go up. Mina sat next to me, so did Katsuki. We talked for a bit and laughed, well, Mina and I laughed, Katsuki just listened. We got ready for school and started our walk to the main building.

School had returned to normal and I had gotten used to dorm life. It had only been a week, but I liked it. We visited family on the weekends and stayed on campus for the weekdays.

"Believe I've mentioned this already, but this summer is obtaining provisional hero licenses, do not take this lightly," Our teacher spoke. We were seated in class, listening to our homeroom teacher talk. "A hero license means you're responsible for human lives, you can imagine the exam to receive one is very difficult, only %50 people taking this exam actually get these permits each year," He said, "It's that hard to get a provisional license?" Mineta said, "In order to prepare, today you will be focusing n creating something new, two ultimate moves," He finished as Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Cementos, came through the doors.

"When we say ultimate, we mean a move that will ensure victory against your opponent," Ectoplasm started, "An action so unique to your identity, that no one else can hope to copy it," Cementos continued, "your moves represent who you are, these days most pros have an ultimate move, those who don't are fools," Midnight finished off.

He instructed us to get into our costumes and meet at gym gamma. Luckily, my knee brace was only a compression one, and It wasn't big and bulky. It was something I could easily fit under my costume.

The teachers explained why we needed special moves and a few other things. I already had one, it was blood bending, but I had no idea what the other would be.

It didn't have to be an attack move so that was good. I still had no idea what I was going to do though. I needed a defensive move since most of mine are offensive. "For example, (l/n)'s Bloodbending, something that will ensure your win, that's what we are looking for," Midnight said.

Cementos created the terrain we would be practicing on while Ectoplasm created some clones to help us practice. "For the next ten days or so, this is how you will be spending the remainder of your summer vacation, working to catch up on what you missed out on," Mr. Aizawa instructed us.

"In addition, you should be thinking about how you can start thinking about how you can improve your costumes, especially now that you have a better understanding of your quirks, I expect each of you to go plus ultra, do you have it in you?" he asked, "Yes sir," We all said in unison.

I stood in front of the Ectoplasms clone and did nothing. Then I thought of one, it wasn't anything special, but it would work. The goal was to completely encase my body in rock and use it as an armor. It works and I had the copy land a few hits. It held stable and you finally let it drop.

I didn't have a name for it yet, but I wanted to focus on your blood-bending so that I could wait. I got distracted and looked over at everyone else. They all seemed to have some sort of idea of what they were looking for.

"Now you explode!" I heard Katsuki yell while sending out an explosion, I shook my head as he kept flying around. I went back to you working on my special moves. The more I worked on it, the more of the clones I defeated. Both my moves were effective, too bad they weren't anything flashy.

We worked on the moves for the rest of the day, mine was nearly perfected, but I still wanted to think about it more. We packed up our stuff and headed back to the dorms where we relaxed, bathed, ate, and finally went to sleep.

Fith day of training,

I did it, I finally finished perfecting my ultimate moves. I even got about to creating a third one. I still didn't have a name for it, but it was a defensive one. The goal was, if a rock came flying my way, I would turn it to dust, and then use it as a cover for my next attack.

At the moment, I could only make small pebbles, but day by day, I get even closer. "AP shot!" I heard Katsuki yell. I looked over to him, but then to the rock, he blasted. It started to crumble and eventually fell. "hey, watch out!" he yelled as the peace came falling down.

It fell, but directly over All Might's head. Right as I was about to use my quirk to stop it, Midoryia came in and kicked it. Using my quirk, I stopped the extra falling debris, set it down.

Katsuki seemed shocked at what he had just witnessed, I was surprised too. This was the first time Midoryia had used another body part other than his legs.

Training that day ended, and we headed back to the dorms. "That AP shot is really something," I said while slinging my arm around Katsuki's shoulder. He stared me dead in the eye and his face became red, "Tch, W-whatever," He said while looking forward.

"Looks like someone's flustered," I laughed, he shook my arm off and screamed, "Would you just shut up already!" while his face became redder. The people around us stared, but I laughed at him as he became even redder, if that's even possible.

"what the hell are you extras staring at!" he screamed, they all flinched at went back to what they were originally doing. "Hey, (y/n), are you going to change anything with your costume?" I heard Mina yell from behind us.

She caught up and we began to walk together. "Nope, I don't really need anything more," I replied simply, "But it's so boring," She said with a frown, "It's not like I really need anything flashy though, my quirk is enough," I responded.

The pink-haired girl just sighed and we walked in silence. "Actually, maybe I will change something," I said, "Really!" she yelled, "Nothing with the design though, I just want to make the bottom of the boots thinner so I can pick up vibrations better," I laughed, she frowned, "I'm going to go ask Hatsume now," I said before running off.

Katsuki Bakugou Pov,

(y/n) ran off so now it was just raccoon eyes and me. She looked at me and didn't look away. "What the hell are you looking at?" I growled, she gave a smirk and looked forward, "You love her don't you," she said with confidence. Could she actually tell, or was she just guessing, "No I fucking don't, your insane," I replied cooly, making sure not to raise suspicion.

"Oh really, then why were you blushing earlier," She asked, acting as though she had just uncovered a huge secret, "I was hot, that's it, now fuck off before I fucking kill you," I growled, "believe what you want, but I'm always right," she said, right before running off.

Word count: 1247

A/N: Just found out that I might of had the coronavirus so now I might have to get my antibodies tested. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's unedited, sorry.



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