Chapter 31 ~ The Attack

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Warning, pretty long chapter ahead, I tried to fit the whole Villain attack into one chapter.

You woke up for yet another early morning training session. The kids taking the extra classes looked even more tired than you. You walked to your training station and started your exercises. Aizawa instructed the class to consider how you got to UA and what you were doing. "more importantly, tonights going to be fun! we're putting classes against each other in a test of courage, I know you've been training hard today, and later you'll get to play hard, hows that for a reward!" Pixie-bob yelled to the class, 'it just sounds like more work to me,' you thought while continuing your work.

It was time to make dinner and you and Katsuki were cutting vegetables again. The two of you appeared to be chopping them at superhuman speed, and Uraraka noticed, "Wow, (y/n), Bakugou, you guys are good with knives, it's weird," she said, "What do you mean it's weird!" he yelled in response, "Calm your tits Katsuki," You sighed, he started yelling some random slurs at you, but you could care less.

"Perfect, we filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes, it's time for-" "A totally awsome test of courage!" Mina finished, "Not quite, it pains me to say it but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead," Aizawa said, the five looked like they wanted to die right then and there.

All you had to do was go around a big loop and wait for class 1B to try and scare you, all while picking up tags. since there were five people in the remedial class, everyone would have a partner. You got partnered with Midoryia in the 8th group, the last one to leave.

"What's that?" you said while pointing to the sky, it was black smoke mixed with blue fire. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't help but think of the worst. "Maybe a fire on the mountain?" Ojirou said, "No, it wouldn't be blue," You pointed out to the rest of the class, they looked to you but their gaze went elsewhere as Pixie-bob went flying away.

It was villains, they seemed to be all around the area. "how are you this evening, we are the vanguard action squad, of the league of villains," Spinner said, "I could crush this kitties head right now, how about it dear?" Magna said. For some reason, your mind went straight to Katsuki who was still in the woods. You ran at the same time as Midoryia, despite your instructor's directions, and no one seemed to notice. It took a bit to find them, but you could see Todoroki and Katsuki in the distance.

Izuku Midoryia Pov

I ran to the top of the mountain to find Kota. He was there looking terrified as a large muscular man. When the man was about to strike, I jumped in and saved him. Tears filled the boy's eyes as we both looked up. "Now you I recognize, you were on the list," the man spoke, the landing broke my phone and no one knew where I was, which means theirs no hope for reinforcements.

"I'm going to save you, Kota," I said to him, he was shaking violently, chilled to the bone as the man loomed closer. "The names Midoryia right? great, we were told we could take some initiative and kill you, oh yeah, maybe you can help me out a bit first, do you know where a kid named Bakugou might be around here? We were told to take him alive, unlike his friend (l/n), she's going to be a problem if we leave her standing," He said, punching me in the prosses. So they want Kacchan, but I'm more worried about (y/n), It sounds like they actually want her dead.

3rd Person Pov

You ran closer to Todoroki and Katsuki, you noticedTodoroki had put up an ice barrier to protect them from something. These big knife looking things seemed to be protruding from it. "Hey, guys, are you ok?" you yelled while stepping from the trees. "Stay back!" both boys yelled, but it was too late. A sharp pain erupted from your knee as one of the metal pieces shot into it. Todoroki sent ice your way and sort of a shield. You got up and pulled the piece out.

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