Chapter 48 ~ Mission PT.2

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I opened my eyes to see Amijiki and a few of the officers standing above me. I whipped my head towards where the man I fought should be but closed my eyes due to dizziness. After a bit I was fine to open my eyes, he was laying in a pile of rubble, bruised and battered.

"How are you feeling?" Amijiki asked, lending me a hand. "Not my best, but It's not the worst," I said, my voice a bit raspy and throat dry. I stood up, but my legs almost made me collapse again. I was almost sure that I had a broken leg, maybe a few broken ribs and a concussion.

Our group moved ahead, leaving a few behind to watch and take care of the villain. "Do you know if they've rescued Eri yet?" I asked, "No, from what we know, you haven't been out for too long, they may have, but it's not likely," an officer said to me.

It went silent again, the only thing we could hear was our footsteps and a bit of commotion from up ahead. "Do you think everyone's alright?" I asked no one in particular, "I'm not sure, but they're a capable group of people, they can handle themselves, worrying and overthinking things won't do us any good, we just have to trust them," Amijiki said, looking sure of his answer.

The silence continued, my head was blank until I saw Amijiki run forward. He was crouching over Mirio who was laying on the ground, bleeding from multiple places.

Amijiki wrapped an arm around his waist and helped him to walk. We made an attempt to talk to him and ask him what happened and what was going on, but he didn't say a word. He was the only one we could see, so I assumed that they had found Eri, and everyone else was fighting.

We heard a huge crash and a rumble from the ground, I wanted to run ahead and see what was going on, but I barely had enough energy to walk, running wasn't an option.

"Over here!" an officer yelled, pointing to a hole. We looked inside to see a man crouching beside our teacher. He had a knife and looked like he was about to strike, but Amijiki stopped him.

"You're Korono, right? I know all about you and your quirk, don't even think about trying anything," Amijiki said. The man dropped the knife, allowing himself to be arrested.

"Suneater! I'm glad you guys are okay," I heard Tsu say. "Froppy, what's happening, is everything okay?" Amijiki asked, "Deku's fighting," She said worried, she hopped past him and wen to help me with Aizawa.

It took a bit, but we finally got above ground. We sat him on the ground, making sure he was alright. I looked over to Midoryia, Chisaki was all taken care of but he didn't look alright.

Midoryia had Eri on his back, her quirk made them glow. She looked like she was struggling with trying to turn her quirk off. Everyone else stood back, not knowing what to do in this type of situation.

Aizawa wiggled his finger, giving both me and Tsu a signal. I lifted his head up and adjusted it towards Eri. He looked right at her and deactivated her quirk. The exhausted girl fell into Midoryia arms.

"Thank goodness," I muttered under my breath. Ryukyu turned back into her original form and gave us all some instructions to help and look for people. I stood up but fell right back down again.

"What the hell?" I whispered, barely audible. It was like my whole body turned to jello. I tried again and again but my body seemed to become heavier with each try.

My eyes began to close, even though I tried my hardest to keep them open. I felt myself go into some sort of sleep but then wake up. A paramedic came over to me and lifted me onto a gurney.

The adrenaline finally started to wear off and I felt more pained with every breath. I felt like I was sweating but when I reached for my head, I found blood was there instead.

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