Part 1

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Emie's POV.

Who wouldn't want to spend their 18th Birthday partying with a couple of Rock bands backstage and in a hotel after enjoying a free gig. No one, right!

Well that's one of the many things my big brother Alex had told me when he decided to drag me here. Well he didn't drag me he just overwhelmed me with sibling guilt.

I love my brother dearly and I haven't seen him since he left to go on tour with his friends band. Really it was sweet he still wanted to be with me on my Birthday. He also went to the trouble of convincing our mother which can't have been the easiest task. She wasn't exactly pleased when he left in the first place and she made it clear she didn't want me drinking, taking drugs or sleeping with anyone with an amazing lecture before she finally handed me over her keys.

After way too long a drive, I don't know how my brother convinced me to drive all the way to Birmingham when I knew they were doing shows closer on the next few weeks. If only I hadn't been born early!

It had started great, when I got there Alex treated me to lunch and we reminisced on my passed birthdays. A few hours before the show Alex gave me a tour backstage and introduced me to the rest of his friends band. I caught a few leers and over long looks at my chest but for the most part they were welcoming. Hanging out with Alex and his friends before the show, having a laugh like it was old times. Just used to be in a back garden instead of backstage.

After the show it's like meeting different guys. It's like now they have finished performing, they give up all responsibility. They all immediately start drinking and it's not long before they are well on their way to being completely fucked. I'm starting to feel a little less comfortable and find myself glued to my brother's side.

I didn't get a chance to watch the main band. As Alex decided we should move back to the hotel before the show is properly over. Once trapped in a suite at the hotel, the alcohol is joined by a lot of drugs. I personally have a weakness for weed. But I have no interest in the rest. So I stick to beer and joints that I roll myself, especially after witnessing someone pulling white powder on top of the weed.

After a couple of overly sexual comments made at my expense, my brother took a swing at the guy who spoke before stormin off.

I gave him a few minutes before following. I would have stayed longer to give him time to calm down, but the one who made the comments reappeared with an ice pack on his face so I made my exit back to my brother's room.

I slip the key into the lock and I am greeted by moaning and the sight of a naked woman on top of my brother. I close the door quickly and try to think about what I am going to do.

My options aren't great. I couldn't just drive home. I'd been drinking all day. Maybe Alex is just blowing off steam and he'll be back, once he remembers he left his little sister.

So I decided to head back to the party so maybe I could find one of his more sober friends. Or just hide in a corner and go unnoticed.

When I get there I know I have made a mistake. It's only been 20mins but it has completely devolved there are at least twice as many people. There are topless women dancing on a table and a whole load of other mess I don't want to get involved in. I move quietly around the edge of the masses and hunt down a quiet place to smoke. I find an unused bedroom and figure it's probably not getting quieter than this.

After I finish the first joint, I ring Alex but he doesn't answer. I think about texting him but it seems like a waste of time, if he didn't hear it ring he's not likely to hear a text. I resign myself to being stuck here for a while longer. I've just lit the second joint. When I hear the door click open.

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