Part 2

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Cappie's POV

Fuck I need a break from all this drinking. I think to myself, heading back to my room off of the band's suite, this tour has gone on way too long.

I'm just gonna have a smoke and sleep. Not very rock n roll but everyone needs a night off.

I hear a cute little gasp as I push open the door. There sitting cross legged in the middle of my bed is a pretty little red haired girl in ripped jeans and a black t-shirt for our opening act, that has been modified to be a lot more flattering, by which I mean cut to show some amazing cleavage. A pair of wrecked looking converse are abandoned on the floor, so she's at least polite enough to not have her shoes on my bed. I move in a little further and I can see she's smoking what is clearly a joint.

"Fuck. I am so sorry I didn't think anyone was in here. I can go" I'm interrupted from taking in the wonderful sight in front of me by a sweet quiet voice 

"Is that a cigarette?" I know the answer but I want to tease her a little. She shakes her head looking a little hesitant "is that a joint?" she nods again, a slight smile appears on her face. "Are you smoking my weed without me?" I give her a fake shocked look.

"What?" She replies immediately looking up at me offended "No it's my weed here" she points to a tin on the bedside table. I nod and give her a warm smile so she will know I am teasing. She leans across the bed, in my direction, giving me an even better eye full of her cleavage and passes me the joint. I accept gladly and take a drag. 

"This might just be my lucky night someone left a joint rolling angel in my room" I tease her, sitting on the edge of the bed getting a closer look. She tenses a little as I move towards her but she relaxes when I give her space. I passed her back the joint. And I get my first close look at her face. Her skin is flawless, with big dark eyes surrounded by long thick lashes. After pretending not to notice me quite obviously staring at her. She offers me back the joint. 

"You sure?" I ask trying to be polite

"Sharing is caring" she replies nonchalantly, then shrugs and adds "You haven't kicked me out of your room. The least I can do is sharaea with you" she looks up at me again with those beautiful eyes and I can't help but get a little lost in them.

"Oh really. Why can you do more?" I try my luck flirting with the stunning go across from me. She really is beautiful Hmm but she looks pretty young so maybe I need to find out her age before I continue, too far down that path.

She blushes in response to my comments and lustful looks her face will soon match her hair.

"Maybe" she says, giving me a sexy little smile and gently slips the joint from between my fingers and takes a long pull not breaking eye contact. Little tease stole it before I had been had a chance to smoke

"I might regret asking this, but as I am not interested in awkward conversations with police or angry parents" I ramble uncomfortably, she looks up at me her face scrunched in confusion "How old are you?" I'm running my hand through my hair uncomfortably.

"What time is it?" She asks suddenly. Huh I look up at her perplexed "you know the time?" She says slowly, before rolling her eyes and grabbing my arm to look at my watch. "As of about 10mins before you entered the room 18, so you can stop worrying about ending up someone's bitch in prison for being alone in a room with a minor surrounded by drugs and alcohol" 

I gasp at her bluntness and she giggles. "H Happy Birthday" I stutter. That flirtily little laugh is a sound I could get used to hearing.

"You alright there?" She asks after a few moments of me gaping at her. "You look like you kinda got lost in your head. Is the big bad Rock star having a senior moment" she's giggling at her own cleverness while I stare at her in shock. Am I seriously being called old by the girl who broke into my room.

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