Part 9

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Cappie's POV

"Don't you dare" I growl as I am woken up by my girl trying to wriggle out of my arms

"bathroom" she replied quietly, I pulled her back tighter against me "please" she whimpers. I sigh releasing my grip allowing her to dash out of the bed. I roll over to check the time, why the fuck did she have to wake up at 7am. I'm just getting back to sleep when I feel the bed dip. I roll towards the middle of the bed and wrap myself back around her. Hearing a quiet little sigh escape her lips when I kissed her.

I'm having the most perfect dream when suddenly the phone is ringing and I am being hit by a pillow.

"What the" I look around frantically to see a very angry Emie.

"Answer. Your. Fucking. Phone. Before. I. Kill. You" she pokes me with every word. Then spins on her heel and leaves the room.

"I have a really angry girl in my room, this better be important," I snapped down the phone.

"Press is in one hour" Benji says 

"Not doing it" I reply bluntly

"You have to! it's got to be the whole band Corey's orders, don't worry she can come I've cleared her with security." He is very good at convincing me to do things I don't want to. I kinda forgot about how angry she was until I entered the other room and she threw a cushion from the sofa at me. At least it was soft.

"You're not a big fan of being woken up early either ," I say gently as I walk around to sit next to her on the sofa.

"How can you not hear your phone for that long! You sleep like a fucking corpse" she glares at me, I make short work of rolling and hand her the joint.

"You know you're kinda scary in the morning" her angry eyes flick up to me "sexy but scary" I add and she softens slightly. I wander over to the little kitchen and grab a couple of energy drinks and hand her one.

"Why do I need this? Can't we go back to bed?" She whines

"Well you could, but I wouldn't be able to join you. I have been summoned for press. Tried to get out of it but alas I am needed" I say playfully.

"But I can sleep right?" She asks

"Of course you can babe, it will be pretty distracting knowing you are back here in my bed. But I'm sure I can soldier through" I wink at her.

"Do you want me to come?" She says suddenly

"Do you want to come?" I retort.

"I asked you first," she says sticking her tongue out at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you I always want you by my side." I give her a sincere smile.  

"Ok I'll get dressed" she hops up and disappears before I can reply. Well that was easy now just to face being asked stupid questions.

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