Part 11

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Cappie's POV

I pull my phone out as I wander towards the stage

Miss you already beautiful, let me know when you are heading back xx

Miss you too xx

She replies instantly, making me smile. Right now I just have to get through a sound check and some more bull shit interviews.

"Ah Romeo, Romeo you have arrived, but where for out is your fine ass Juliet?" Drew teases as I walk over.

"She had enough of you and done a runner again?" Chad adds with a chuckle.

"No, it seems she finally had enough of wearing my shirts and has gone home to grab some clothes" I sigh grabbing my guitar.

"Wait, you didn't follow her" Brodie says with an overly shocked face. "Please tell me you haven't had a tracker implanted in her, last time she left you went full blown stalker" Brodie's turn

"No, I'm pretty confident she'll be back this time." They all make awing noises and I plug in my amp. Let's just get this done.

An hour of sound check and we are finishing off the last interview of the day. Some blonde bimbo who keeps fluttering her eyelids and pulling her top down. I can't say it's not working for her, Brodie is damn near drooling on her while he flirts. I use there flirting as distraction to check my phone, nothing still as soon as this is over I'm calling her.

"So final question and I'm sure you are sick of it, but my editor will fire me if I don't ask. Cappie when are we going to meet this beautiful woman you are suddenly dedicating songs to? Is it true she's got you on such a short leash already you're not even allowed to party like a Rock star anymore?" She questions flirtily playing with her hair, but it just made me angry.

"No comment"

"Come on, you can do better please," she replies, batting her eyelashes at me.

"You want a better answer fine. I've been all over the world met 1000s of women and had them throw themselves at me like you have been doing the last 20mins and its fucking boring" I get up and shoot Corey an annoyed look, he is gonna have to damage control that interview, but I don't care I just want my girl.

I stomp through the hotel lobby ignoring the paps and head to our room. I checked my phone in the elevator and still nothing. Maybe she really won't come back. I open the door and head to the bedroom to change. As I walk through the door I am met with the most beautiful sight. My gorgeous girl pulling up a tiny denim skirt over a pair of net tights, I can just make out her little black thong underneath. I went from depressed to hard in a matter of seconds.

She jumps as she realises I'm here

"Fuck, I didn't hear you come in you scared me" she smiles and closes the distance between us to kiss me. I just cling on to her.

"I thought you weren't coming back." I groan into her hair. "You didn't text"

"Sorry my phone sort of broke" she grins at me with an apologetic look.

"How did your phone sort of break?" I ask

"Long story" She sighs

"It didn't go very well I take it" I ask full of concern.

I hear her breath catch. "She was not very impressed to say the least"

"Is it my age or because I'm famous?" I question.

"It's because you're going to hurt me" she sighs sadly. Ouch! Why does everyone think that?

"Is that how you feel?" She shakes her head against me. "Good! Come on let's get you a joint yeah" she nods and heads into the other part of the suite.

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