Part 32

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Cappie's POV

It's Emie's first day at her job she is so adorably flustered while getting ready. I can't help but try and distract her.

"I don't see why I can't take you" I pout at her

"It's my first day I'm not turning up with my boyfriend ok" she gives me the I have already told you this look

"But I wanna see where you are working and who you are working with" I add

"I know, but not on my first day" she says barely looking up from her makeup

"Benji is taking you" I demand

"I can take myself" she informs me firmly

"You're being difficult" I tell her

"Cappie we both know if I let him take me, you will turn up to pick me up!" She says all knowingly and it's hard to argue as that is exactly what would happen.

"What's so wrong with that" I question

"I don’t want to be treated differently because of you" she whines. This is her big hang up she doesn't want special treatment because of me.

"Fine, but soon or I will think you are ashamed of me" I say, leading her out of the house. I knew she would never agree to let me or anyone else take her. 

She had done this all by herself and she deserved to be proud of that. I simply wanted to annoy her a little before I surprised her. As we reach the driveway she sees a shiny blue mini sitting next to my car. She turns to me open mouthed to see me grinning holding her keys with the addition of the new car key.

"You bought me a car" she gapes at me

"Yup" I reply smugly

"You bought me a car" she says again

"Yes babe you got a job. I'm proud" I tell her earnestly

"But a car" she questions again eyes flicking between us

"Yes now you can get safely to and from work"

"You're insane"

"No I can easily afford it and I love you"

"I love you too"

"Does that mean you want the keys" I ask teasingly

"Yes" she screams, snatching them out of my hand and running off.

"Have a good day my love" I call and she trots back and plants a huge kiss on my face before dissaping off in her new car.

Emie's POV

My first week of work is a blur of meeting new people, learning to answer the phone and how to clean everything properly. Not exactly glamorous but everyone has to start somewhere. Cappie is still trying to convince me to let him come to the shop, but I'm worried of people treating me differently.

A couple of the guys including my boss had worn t-shirts of Cappies band, as proud as I am of him it makes me worried about people only ever thinking of me as Cappie's girlfriend. Steve didn't seem to be one for gossip as he didn't mention having seen any pictures of me with Cappie.

All of the guys who worked at the shop had been fairly welcoming, there was a little flirting from one but after word got around I was in a serious relationship that stopped. I got on great with Hannah who was the receptionist for the busy periods and weekends. 

The only person who I didn't get on with was Tina. She was tall and stick thin with dyed black hair and obvious fake boobs. Tattoos and piercings littered her body. All of her clothes were tight black and revealing. All the guys who came in drooled over her like she was alternative Barbie. From the moment she saw me she hated me. I have a theory she likes Ian and she is just jealous I get to spend time with him. However her dislike of me continued to grow and I had to get used to her shooting daggers at me with her eyes. She was always polite in front of people but she made it very clear she did not like me.

When I told Cappie about Tina he thought she was just jealous of me being so beautiful and talented. Which of course he would say he is always charming me. He always acts incredibly supportive. I just wish he wasn't so hung up on the idea of me not working. It's not like we are settling down to have kids! I need to have my own life.

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