Part 27

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Emie's POV

I'm getting so nervous as we sit in the car finally heading to Cappie's. He is currently passed out against the door of the car, last couple of nights didn't allow either of us much sleep, but I am way too nervous.

Who in their right mind agrees to live somewhere they have never even seen? But who really moves in with someone they just met. 

The car pulls down a residential street. Large houses are set back from the roads, some gated, some not. We continue winding down the road until the car slows Infront of the last house. It's surrounded by large walls and thick iron gates, that slowly open after the driver hops out to put in a code.

The car slowly pulls up In front of a two storey brick house. It's not the biggest house we passed but it's beautiful. There's a free standing garage to one side and the rest of the front is a large paved driveway. The car pulls up at the large black front door.

"Hey" I say, shaking Cappie gently till his eyes begin to open. "I think we are here" his eyes suddenly shoot open properly as he takes in his surroundings.

"Shit. I didn't mean to sleep the whole way, sorry babe" he apologises as he opens the door and gets out stretching.

"It's ok you were tired" I reassure him sliding out behind him.

"So welcome home babe" he says with a cheeky smile.

Before I can reply he has grabbed me, easily lifting me into his arms. He throws a set of keys to the driver who is getting our luggage out. He opens the door and begins to move the bags inside, but steps aside to let Cappie carry me over the threshold.

I gaze in awe. We are in a large entrance hall with a grand set of stairs leading up to the first floor. There are closed doors either side of where we stand. Then ahead is a large open plan kitchen living area. The kitchen looks untouched, sleek white cupboards and a large island breaking up the space. All the floors are expensive wood with large soft rugs placed around.

The living room part is made up of a huge u-shaped sofa that is facing a large television hung above an open fire place. The whole back is made up of large windows leading to the garden. From what I can see it's just grass, but I hardly expected Cappie to be green fingered.

"So" Cappie asks nervously

"It's beautiful" I tell him still trying to take everything in.

"Phew, I never really ever thought about having anyone else here before" he mumbles nervously.

"Good" I smile up at him

"Wanna see the rest?" He asks 

"Of course"

Downstairs Cappie has converted one of the large rooms into a music room. It's full of guitars, a large piano sits in the window. 

Upstairs there are 4 bedrooms though one is currently set up as a gym. The other two are just spare guest rooms, I wouldn't be surprised if Cappie had never spent much time in them.

The last room is Cappies. It's huge! The walls are a soft peaceful grey, and there's a  soft fluffy carpet coordinating perfectly. There's large bed set back against the wall, covered in silky black sheets. There's a small bench seat at the end. Huge french doors lead into a balcony overlooking the Garden. There's a huge ensuite with a bath and shower big enough for the whole band. Double sinks with storage beneath and a huge mirror cover one wall.

The other door in the room leads to a large walk on wardrobe more than half of which is stuffed with Cappie's clothes. Most of which are black t-shirts and jeans.

After the last week living in luxury hotels I never expected coming back to Cappie's would be even more amazing. It's hard to take it all in. This feels even more like a dream.

Cappie is nervously hovering in the doorway as I take in what is, now our room.

"Your house is amazing, I don't know why you're standing there being all nervous"

"I'm glad you like it babe. But it's our house now, we can change anything you don't like" He offers kindly.

"You don't have to change things for me" I say quietly

"Well I am happy to, whenever you change your mind" He says in a knowing tone.

That turned out to be as soon as we returned to the kitchen and found everything of use to be in cupboards far beyond my reach.

Cappie smoothly slips his hands around my waist and lifts me up allowing me to reach the mugs.

He lowers me down slowly and spins me into a kiss as soon as my feet hit the floor. Fortunately his lips and hands steady me or I would have tumbled over.

"As cute as that was, it might be less adorable in the middle of the night" he jokes grabbing a few mugs, glasses etc and moving them down to the cupboard below

"Rearranging isn't really the same as changing" I tease setting to work making coffees for us both. By the time Cappie had shuffled a couple of the cupboards I had placed both mugs at the island and rolled us a joint to share.

"So this is a little weird" I mumble nervously.

"What?" Cappie asks

"Being here with you." I reply

"I thought you liked being with me" He asks sadly.

"I do, but the hotels and shows made it all seem like a dream this feels more real now" I explain.

"Having regrets?" He asks nervously.

"No". "just finally having time to process what has actually happened over the last few weeks"

"I know it's a lot Babe, I won't force you stay but I really like you being here" He says sadly.

"You aren't forcing me I want to be here, it's just gonna take a little while to adjust to this" I tell him crawling into his lap.

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