Part 30

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Emie's POV

It's been a few weeks since the unfortunate events with Cappie’s step nephews, and now it's time to meet the whole family. We are on our way to the Capperman family home to have. Lunch with Cappie’s family.

We've sat silently in the car for over an hour so I know we must be getting close. 

"I'm gonna pull up here so you can smoke before we get there," Cappie tells me kindly.

We pull up and get out of the car, walking a small distance into a large open field.

"Here" he passes me a joint

"Thanks" I mumble quietly back.

"It's gonna be fine," he reassures me, pulling me close.

"I know, I'm just nervous and I hate the twins" I tell him

"You're not the only one" he growls back. We finish the joint. The rest of the drive takes only a couple of minutes.

"Son you're here" his mother beams at him pulling him into a warm hug.

"And you finally brought a beautiful girl home" she says kindly smiling to me. "Come in everyone is in the garden." She calls leading us inside the house and through to an immaculate garden. There are kids playing on the climbing frame while the adults sit around a large table chatting. I see Lucy and she smiles and waves us over.

"Well, look who found time to spend with his family finally" a kind deep voice admonishes Cappie 

"Dad" he replies before pulling the older man into a hug "this is Emie" he says after they break apart.

"It's so lovely to meet you," he says, kindly pulling me into a hug. It felt nice and safe.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you" she replies quietly

"You're very sweet but I can see you're terrified, don't worry we don't bite" he tells me with a knowing look. As we head towards the table.

Cappie pulls me a chair out and sits next to me as close as the chairs allow. 

"Hey everyone this Emie, Emie you know Rich and Lucy this my little Brother Mike and his wife Amber."

"Hi," I say.

"It's nice to meet you, haven't seen my big brother with a girl in so long we were starting to wonder" Mike says to me eyes twinkling mischievously

Cappie shoots him a filthy look and everyone laughs.

The kids have stopped playing and are running over screaming a chorus of Uncle Cappie’s. He jumps up to greet them dripping to his knees and pulling them into a big hug.

"Right my favourite nephews and nieces" he says to them quietly "I have someone special I want you to meet" he tells them nodding to me.

"Is she your girlfriend" one of the little boys asks back quietly

"Yes her name is Emie and I need you all to be really nice to her, make me look good" he tells them.

"Do you love her?" The younger girl shouts loudly as we all laugh.

"Yes, so don't scare her off" Cappie warns them.

"Emie, these are my charming nieces and nephews Noah," he says, indicating to the older boy who had asked him if I was his girlfriend. He smiles at me and we exchange a hello. "This is Beth" he points to the older blonde girl. "That's Eddie he points to the younger boy who had lost interest and was climbing into amber's lap.

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