Part 6

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Cappie's POV

So the following day I wandered into the arena just as the support act's soundcheck was ending and found him dismantling a drum kit to make room for Chad's. He catches sight of me walking towards him. To say he looked happy to see me would be a lie.

"This is about my little sister again?" He sighs, putting down a snare into its case.

"Yeah" I say sheepishly "can't get her out of my head"

"That's because she's amazing and has no idea," he replies firmly.

"That's definitely how she came across," I replied.

"I can't give you my baby sister's number" he put extra emphasis on the baby. Making me clench my fists "come on I'm not stupid you're gonna find her convince her to put out, then you'll get bored and fuck someone else. I'm not gonna help you break my sister's heart" he glares at me

"That really wasn't my intention. I don't want to hurt her" I respond honestly

"Yeah but she's not the kind of girl you can just use" he says pointedly "what you're gonna give up all those girls all the strings free sex you can get because you fancy my little sister?" He asks raising his eyebrows

"If she'll have me, why not? I'm done with this " I shrug pointing to the girls hanging off of the band.

"That's a little hard to believe" he says, his tone full of disbelief.

"How do I convince you?" I practically beg.

"You could just stop asking" he sighs running his hands through his hair.

"I don't think I can" I respond soberly

"I need to think about this," he says firmly.

It's Friday afternoon when I get a text from an unknown number

Delete all the groupies from your phone and swear you will never hurt her. - Alex

I quickly scroll through my contacts. I don't have a lot of girls on there but I delete the ones I have.

Done and done - Cappie

She went to ARC last day today, good luck school out in an hour. Hurt her and I will kill you - Alex

I rolled my eyes, he couldn't just give me her number. I quickly Google the school name. It's not far I can definitely get there. Finally I am gonna get her.

"Benji" I say into my phone, "I need a car now!" I hang up the phone, grab my jacket and smokes and walk towards the door. Hard to believe her college is this close to my home. Maybe if I was ever here we would have met.

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