Part 23

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Cappie's POV

"Oh my god Cappie answer the fucking phone"

The sound of my girl screaming wakes me from the most peaceful sound 

"Fuck. What's happening" I stutter

"Answer. The. Phone" she snaps again.

"This better be good" I snap into the phone

"Come on man, you know it's an early sound check you've got meet and greets all afternoon" Benji moans down the phone to me.

"No I don't" I pout childishly

"Yeah you do, you've got an hour to get ready" Benji replies passively

"Fine," I groaned, hanging up the phone.

"I have to get up," I say, snuggling back up to my girl.

"Sucks to be you" she grumbles into the pillow

"You're not gonna come?" I pout at her.

"Where do you have to go?" She asks, turning over so face me.

"Soundcheck" I tell her.

"Well as I don't play any instruments I'm not sure exactly what help I can be" she mutters furrowing her brow.

"I guess, ok you sleep then. I'll call you when I am done" 

"Yay" she grins, giving me a big kiss on the lips before rolling back over cocooning herself in the blankets.

I can't help but smile as I head off to shower and get ready.

Soundcheck takes forever Drew manages to break 3 strings before Chad got pissed off and smashed the snare skin so hard it ripped needless to say not the smoothest of mornings and the long delay meant we had to grab food quickly before the fans started arriving. Normally I love a chance to hang with the fans but I'm gutted I won't get any alone time with Emie till after the show.

Soundcheck ran long, not gonna make it back Have to do fan stuff. Come meet me before the show? Miss youXx

Omg I literally just woke up! 
Of course I will come meet you before
I miss you too


hat's ok babe sleep now I won't let you later.I'll get Benji to meet you?



Is that ok?



top panicking I was in the shower!xx

Now that is a wonderful image xx


It's not perving when you're mine xx

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