Part 21

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Cappie's POV

I wake up to find my girl has left me a morning of remedies for my hangover. I smile thinking how lucky I am, quickly knocking back whatever pills she had left me with the glass of water. I can hear her coming out of the shower as I light the joint she had kindly left me.

She looks surprised to see me when she enters the room, looking like a well slept angel glowing in what was previously painful sun light. 

She fills me in on our midnight chat and  I head off to shower and dress as quickly as I can, this hangover requires food! So we head down to the hotel restaurant Mick and Drew are already there and wave us over. I not only hesitate and she stops to gaze up at me

"Are you embarrassed of me?" She asks quietly

"I'm embarrassed of them?" I grumble pulling her closer.

"They can't be that bad," she sighs, pulling me in their direction.

"Good Morning...ish" Drew greats us brightly

"Hi" we reply.

"How's the hangovers treating you?" She asks him brightly

"Like a pissed off dominatrix with an axe to grind" Mick groans, rubbing his head.

"Fuck sake Mick!" Cappie scolds but Emie just giggles.

A waitress comes over.

"Love if you could bring a round of whatever the strongest breakfast alcoholic beverages you can serve at this time of day" Drew asks gives her a flirty wink.

"Just Coffee for me" Emie chirps up. The waitress smiles and walks away to get our drinks. "What? I'm not the one who went out drinking all night." She say to the two bewildered looking men "I just need caffeine because someone was channelling the incredible hulk when he came in and smashed everything in the path between him and the sofa he passed out on" they laughed 

"It's ok you're with him we knew there had to be something wrong with you, I mean who doesn't drink with breakfast, it's Wednesday after all" Drew jokes.

"Drew It's Thursday!" Emie corrects him with a worried tone.

"Fuck" Drew mutters scratching his head

"So Cap said you're gonna stay with him, has he warned you about the house" Mick asks as Drew tries to work out where his missing day went

"What's wrong with the house?" Emie asks curiously.

"Nothing" I glared at Mick "well nothing that won’t be fixed before we get there." I add quickly.

"That's super reassuring!" she replies, rolling her eyes.

"Lovely of you to invite me!" Brodie smirks dropping into a chair. "Ah and I see the beautiful Emie has been allowed to join us?"

"For some reason he doesn’t want me to spend time with any of you" she smiles sweetly up at me.

"Cappie! I am your oldest friend. How could you want to keep us apart?" Brodie chastised me. "well today that changes shots all around" he looks around to summon a waitress

"It's 11am" Emie looks at him in shock

"Oh well whatever those vodka orange juice things are" Brodie adjusts his order.

"Little Emie you aren't drinking" Brodie scolds pointing to her coffee.

"Not much of a drinker at breakfast" she shrugs at him "no judgement of course" she adds nodding to the drinks In front of him.

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