Part 33

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Cappie's POV

She's been there a month and she still won't let me see where she works. She has told me all about everyone in great detail but it is not that same as actually being there and seeing things for myself. I particularly want to get a look at this girl who is making her life hard. As well as check out her boss she hasn't been all that forth coming in her descriptions.

Well unlucky for her my patience is now up. Lucky for me Benji needs a touch up on a tattoo I can't think of anywhere better to go, then the place that would hire my beautiful girl. Or anyone better to do it than this Ian she is working with.

"Cappie this is a terrible idea she is gonna kill you" Benji whines at me from the driver's seat as we park up.

"No she will be annoyed and then I will make it up to her and she will forgive me" I tell him knowingly 

"What about me?" He asks following me out of the car.

"Come on when does she ever blame you? She will know this was all me" I reassure him

"Still doesn't make me feel better about it" he moans

"Well we are here now so it's a bit late for that" I tell him opening the door

"Hi, welcome to… holy shit you're Cappie" a small tattooed girl pipes up from the desk

"I know" I tell her lowering my sunglasses and giving her a wink

"Yeah of course you do" she says breathlessly

"I have an appointment Benji Matthews" Benji redirects her focus from me

"Oh sure yeah, take a seat I'll get Ian" she runs off and I can hear her shouting as she gets to the back room

"See so far so good" I tell Benji.

"She's gonna be so pissed" Benji retorts

"Yeah" I agree sighing

"Hi guys I'm Ian" he calls out and I take on the tall medium built man greeting us. he has grey green eyes and is covered in tattoos and piercings. He's some what attractive but the emo fringe is doing him no favours. I don't know if my Emie had a type before me, but this guy is nothing like me.


Emie's POV

I'm sitting in the back room while working on some sketches when the bell goes for the door. A few minutes later I hear Hannah screaming and Ian snapping at her. Ian has an appointment coming in so it must be that. I'm supposed to be watching him work on this touch up so I pack up my things and head back out front.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me" I snap loudly drawing way too much attention to myself. Three faces turn around. Ian my boss looks confused and a little annoyed but also amused at my outburst. There's the sheepish face of Benji and a very smug looking Cappie staring back at me.

"Emie, I know he's famous but that's not how we talk to customers, be professional, no fan girling I've already had to speak to Hannah" Ian admonishes me.

"Yeah Babe, don't be a fan girl" he mocks me trying to not burst out laughing. Benji looks like he wants the earth to swallow him and Ian gives him a questioning look.

"I would apologise, but I wasn't speaking to the 'customer'" I spit walking towards them "I was speaking to the passive aggressive stalker" I smack Cappie’s arm hard and he gapes at me "that I have no doubt made this appointment probably without telling the 'customer'" I shoot Benji and annoyed but understanding look, he gives me an apologetic smile back. Mouthing sorry to me.

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