Part 12

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Emie's POV

The last 24hours have been a complete blur. From finishing college to being whisked off my feet by a Rock star. Now I'm sitting in the back of a car being driven to my house to get some of my clothes. I love wearing his shirts. I look down at myself. However I definitely will feel better having clean underwear and bottoms that actually fit.

It all happened so quick, after that first night in his hotel room I really thought he would forget about me. How wrong I was. I am scrolling through my messages. 

A string of messages from Roxy starting off by having  a go, that I abandoned them, to begging to me god mother of our futuRe children.

The car reached my street and I was immediately nervous. Mum and I don't have the best relationship. She wants me to be a strong independent woman, that doesn't need a man, she is not going to be pleased by this life choice.

I say goodbye and thank the driver, but he informs me he is going to be waiting to take me back. I smile and edge towards my house.

The door swings open before I get my key in the lock. I'm face to face with my Mother and she looks pissed. "Care to explain?" In her hand she is clutching the newspaper where a lovely picture of Cappie leading me out of College graces the gossip page. Shit.

"That's why I am here!" I sigh. She moves from blocking the door and I head in and drop down on the kitchen table. My mum follows taking the chair opposite.  She says nothing just sits waiting for me to talk.

"I met him when I went to see Alex for my birthday. He liked me so he found out where I went to school and wanted to see me again." Hopefully that's enough.

"So a famous much older man stalked you after you slept with him" she's angry it's catching.

"Not that it is any of your business but I haven't slept with him!" I snarl back

"So with all the beautiful ADULT women throwing themselves at him, he decides to stalk an 18year old girl, who what just talked to him" she screams I guess she really doesn't believe me.

"Yeah apparently so." It does sound too good to be true. I guess. We sit in silence for a while before my phone buzzes.

It’s a message from Cappie.

Missing you babe, come back soon need you by my side these interviews suck! Xx

"Is that him?" my mum snarls, snatching the phone from my hand. She reads the message and laughs cruelly. "You’re not really stupid enough to think he really cares about you? He's using you! He just wants some young girl on his arm." She slams my phone on to the table and it smashes. She's startled at first, but then smiles as I stare at my broken phone on the table. "Guess you won’t be able to reply now" she smirks

"Well mother this has been fun!" I spit. "If you'll excuse me I am going to go pack as a car is waiting to take me back to him." I storm out to my room and begin throwing things into a suitcase, not really looking at what I am taking. When most of my wardrobe is shoved into two suitcases I drag them to the front door. I yank the door open. The driver true to his word is waiting. He jumps out of the front seat to come and get my things. He looks at the amount of luggage confused for a moment, then grabs both bags to take them to the car.

"You will regret this" my mother purrs from behind me "even if he does care about you now, he's still going to be famous, women will still throw themselves at him and he will break your heart" her anger has subsided and her face is filled with concern 

"Maybe" I admit "but I don't want to regret not giving him a chance to prove you wrong" I smile and hug her then walk to the car. The driver is holding the door open for me. I get in and glance back at my mother standing outside my family home. I really hope she is wrong.

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