Part 25

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Emie's POV

Knock knock knock

The door immediately swings open and high pitched screams enter the room. I notice all the guys flinch slightly at the sound. 

I stand back and allow the chaos of the excited girls to take over the room. The guys all kindly sign autographs and take endless selfies. Cappie keeps glancing over trying to break away to get to me but one of the girls is a super fan and is not making it easy. I can't help but laugh as he tries to politely escape not wanting to offend the girl.

"So I'm guessing, as you aren't over their hanging off of famous middle aged men, you didn't win a competition" A medium built guy with messy brown hair and bright green eyes says sitting down next to me.

"Not exactly, you?" I reply smiling to myself.

"That's my little sister hanging off of the blonde guy, she's only 15 but she's obsessed my parents only let her go if I came, so I'm a glorified babysitter for the night" he grumbles 

"Ah ok, well that's my boyfriend your sister is clinging too" I laugh at his shocked expression.

"Wow really, sorry about what I said before. I can go get her off" he stutters awkwardly

"Why? He's her hero she's not doing anything wrong" I offer kindly.

"If you're sure" he mutters, still obviously feeling awkward.

We sit silently for a moment before I notice Cappie beckoning me over looks like Chad's appearance has distracted all the girls temporarily.

"Who was that?" Cappie grumbles in my ear.

"Who?" I ask innocently

"That guy you were talking to" he replies firmly.

"Your biggest fan's brother/babysitter" I chuckle back.

"So you told him you're mine then" He grumbles possessively

"Yes" I sigh rolling my eyes "he even offered to remove his sister from you if it was upsetting me" I add reassuringly

"Well you could have taken him up on that!" He groans

"Aw but that's no fun, I like watching you squirm" I giggle at him.

"Mmm not as much as I like watching you squirm" he growls back flirtily.

"Cappie" I admonish him playfully slapping his chest.

"All right everyone, time to say goodbye. The opening act starts in 20mins, Security here will show you where to go!" Corey commanded reappearing to usher away the fans. The guys bid a cheerful farewell as the girls sadly leave.

"Glad that's over." Chad grumbles

"You missed most of it!" Brodie shouts incredulously.

Chad merely shrugs in response, Cappie pulls me into his lap on the sofa and I reach into my jacket and pass him another pre roll. He gives me a crooked smile raising his eyebrow at me.

"What I thought one of us might need it!" I say quietly.

"Aw babe you're so perfect" He whispers back sweetly, grabbing his lighter.

"Where did that come from?" Brodie asks. Cappie just nods to me.

"Ah the lil stoner to the rescue" Brodie gives me a knowing look.

After Cappie passes it to me I offer it to Brodie he smiles and takes it.

"You know this is like you inadvertently kissing me" Brodie winks at me.

"Gross" I shake my head at him "you can keep that one!" I add grabbing another one from my pocket and stealing Cappie's lighter to spark it. Brodie gives me a shocked look while the rest of the guys laugh.

"I want to be offended lil stoner, but I can accept your hurtful rejections based on how happy you are making my best friend" Brodie tells me with a serious edge at the end.

"Aw is this the part where you warn me not to break his heart" I tease him.

"Bro I didn't know you cared so much" Cappie laughs sending vibrations through me.

"Yes you did, don't think just because you finally got a girlfriend means you can just forget about all our special times together" Brodie gasps pretending to cry. Drew and Chad laugh at him while Mick just rolls his eyes and carries on fiddling with a guitar.

"Wow I do not want to be in the middle of this bromance, maybe I should go" I joke starting to get up. Cappie's arms immediately reach for my waist and hold me firmly in place.

"No you don't lil stoner!" Brodie admonishes me "You think I want to end up stuck with him. I've been waiting a long time to pass on the responsibility for him. He's all your problem now!" Brodie decrees.

"What do you reckon babe?" Cappie asks me with raised eyebrows "think you can handle it"

"Absolutely not" I beam up at him and he laughs as he leans down to kiss me.

"Well shame you haven't got much of a choice now" he chimes playfully making me giggle.

We sit and chat until the guys are summoned for their penultimate performance. I watch from my usual perch at the side, watching the guys come alive doing their thing. They all come off glistening in sweat, their clothes like a second skin. Cappie tries to pull me into a hug but I dodge away from him, Making Brodie laugh and throw a towel at him.

The plan is to go back to the hotel and drink in the bar, the venue is letting them have a farewell tour party tomorrow night so the plan is to go somewhat easier tonight.

At least that's what I was told but as Brodie has about finished a bottle of vodka alone. It's pretty clear their definition of a quiet night is world's away from mine.

I don't know when or how we made it back to the room. 

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