Part 34

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Cappie's POV

"So I'm actually invited?" I ask again. It's been two weeks since my little stunt and now she is finally bringing me to a work event.

"Yeah Steve said I should bring you so did Ian" she says not looking at me but continuing to apply her makeup.

"Oh did Ian" I snarl back

"Yes so stop being paranoid" she snaps

"I'm not paranoid" I reply

"Yes Cappie you are" She turns around giving me a knowing look.

"Why are you so dressed up then if you aren't trying to look good for him.?" I ask as she exits the bathroom. She looks amazing in a black wrap dress that hugs her curves perfectly as well as giving me an amazing view of her cleavage. I must admit it's been a while since she has been in anything other then jeans and the sight of her bare legs is a very welcome change.

"I actually wanted to look nice for you, but apparently that was a fucking waste of time" she snaps storming out of the room.

I finish getting ready before following her.

"Babe I'm sorry you look beautiful" I apologise trying to pull her into my arms

"Whatever" she snaps shrugging away

"Please love, don't be mad. I promise I won't mention it again." I beg pulling her back to me

"You promise" she looks up at me, eyes full of hope.

"Of course I will be on my best behaviour. Come on the car is outside" I promise leading her out.

We arrive at the bar that's been hired out for her boss's  40th birthday, not Ian the guy who owns the shop. That I haven't met yet. She adds our gift to the table immediately, guess she doesn't trust me with a bottle of whiskey. 

"Emie you came" a young heavily pierced girl greets her. " And this must be… oh my god, you're Cappie again… Twice now this is so embarrassing"

"Hannah Cappie, Cappie this is Hannah is and yes this is my boyfriend"

"Wow good for you" she gapes up at me.

"Nice to meet you" I say giving her a smile

"It's amazing to meet you again, can I get a picture later when my girlfriend is here please" she asks blushing

I glance at Em and she smiles reassuringly.

"Of course find us later" I tell her kindly.

"Thank you thank you so much" and she dashes back into the crowd. I give Em a sheepish smile.

"This is why you don't come to where I work, you even turn lesbians to mush" she sighs icing me that look.

"Yeah babe I know" I say apologetically

"Steve" she exclaims as an older bald gentleman approaches us.

"Hey Emie thanks for coming" he greets her warmly

"Thank you so much for inviting us, this is Cappie my boyfriend" Emie immediately introduce me

"No introduction necessary. Big fan, it's an honour to meet you" He shakes my hand.

"No it's an honour for me to meet the man who had faith in my girl, and could see how talented she is" I tell him.

"I wish I could take the credit, but Ian sang her praises and he wasn't wrong. She is a fantastic apprentice." I can see Emie blushing. I'm so proud of her. "Ah speak of the devil" he adds as someone I didn't want to see comes over.

"Do I want to know?" He asks Steve "hey guys" he adds turning to Em and me.

"I was just telling Emie's boyfriend how you were the one who really saw something in her" Steve tells him. I can see Ian looking a little uncomfortable shooting glances at Emie. I'm not so sure he isn’t interested in my girl, and I definitely don't see a girlfriend.

"Well, Mischa has been showing me her work for years and it only ever got better" he mutters to the floor.

"Well you were right she's great. Anyway, I must go find my wife before she has a few too many wines. First night without the kids'' he explains darting off. Leaving Em and I in an awkward silence with Ian.

I promised Emie to be good, so I will.

"Drink babe? Ian?" I ask politely and they both accept. So I leave them and walk off to the bar. When I return they are a lot more at ease talking animatedly.

"Here you go" I say handing over their drinks. They both thank me and Emie pulls me in for a quick kiss. I put my arm around her and pull her close as she turns back to Ian.

"So Emie says you're gonna be on tour again" he asks with an uninterested tone

"Yeah, just a few weeks this time, no more long tours especially if I can't convince this one to come" I say kissing Ems head.

"Hey I'm coming for part of it!" Emie cries

"Really?" Ian asks, looking shocked.

"Yeah I spoke to Steve just a few days so I can meet the guys in Holland" she tells him excitedly.

"Nice, beautiful country I'm sure you'll have a great time" he says kindly, Emie just shoots me a coy smile, we both know that the whole week will be spent in bed. By that time we will have been apart for 3 weeks and I will be desperate for her. Little does she know I have another surprise planned for that trip.

"Yeah and after that it will be 10days till you come back home" Emie says smiling up at me. He may want my girl, but she definitely wants me. I can't help but pull her in for a deep kiss. When we pull apart Ian is gone.

"Sorry babe, lost control there, didn't mean to embarrass you" I say as she blushes realising we are now alone.

"As long as you didn't do that to try and get rid of him" she warns me

"Trust me babe I am definitely not thinking about him when I kiss you" I assure her.

"Oh my god you're like my teen crush!" The screech of a tall skinny black haired girl shoots across

"Hi" I greet her with a small smile.

"Cappie this it Tina" Emie mutters, voice filled with annoyance.

"Tina this is Cappie..."

"No fucking duh!" She spits back shooting my girl a nasty look. "You're so much better looking in person" she attempts to bat her eyelashes provocatively at me.

"My boyfriend" Emie finishes angrily

"As if" the girl responds nastily, not looking away from me. "Why would he be with someone like you?" she adds rudely, giving my girl a disgusted look.

"While I appreciate all of my fans I don't appreciate anyone insulting the woman I love so if you don't mind I think we would rather be anywhere but near you" I say firmly pulling Emie to my side and leading her away from the girl.

"Wow she's a bitch" I whisper to Em. She gives me a sad little smile.

"She hates me for some reason, I honestly don't know what I did"

"Probably just jealous because you are the most beautiful person inside and out and she is definitely not" I tell her warmly

"You always say the nicest things" she beams up at me

"The nicest girl deserves only to hear the nicest things. I assure her

She doesn't reply, just pulls me into a kiss.

"Come on love, I think you have made a big enough appearance and I want you all to myself again" I whisper in her ear

"Sounds good to me!" she replies immediately.

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