Part 8

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Cappie's POV

Thank fuck she agreed to come, I have spent so much time and effort trying to find her and now tonight I will get my chance to convince her to be mine.

I had my assistant arrange a car for her and her friends. They would get here about 10mins before the support act is on and over an hour till I have to do anything so I have a little time with her ahead and then hopefully the rest of the night after.

I'm sitting in the dressing room with the other guys going over our set list when Benji, my assistant, knocks "they're here, I'm just going to meet the car." he says to me.

"So we finally get to meet the mystery woman that has had you pinning the last week?" Brodie, the lead singer asks, nudging my shoulder and raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah man how can you be so pussy whipped when you haven't even had her pussy" Chad our wonderfully crude drummer pipes in. 

"I saw her last week when she was sneaking out of your room" Drew offers, I didn't know that. I look up at him. "Little red head right?" I nod "yeah she ran out at like 8 or some stupidly early time. Didn't really get a good look at her, figured she took one look at you in the light of day and realised what a terrible mistake she made fucking you and ran…" he didn't finish because I punched him in the shoulder.

There all laughing at their clever jokes, when they walk in I make a quick note of her friends 2 girls and guy, the guy had protectively wrapped his arm around what I assume is his girlfriend, the girl she had been with at College earlier is standing protectively slightly In front of the girl who had been haunting my every thought.

I jump up and walk over to greet her "Guys this is Emie." I say giving them a don't fuck this up for me look "Emie this is Chad, Brodie, Mick and Drew" She smiles moving out from behind her friend. 

"Hi everyone, this is Roxy, Dan and Mischa"

Quick hellos and pleasantries out the way, Brodie playing host made a meal of getting them all a drink. However he has broken the ice and everyone is much more relaxed now. I pulled her away from her friends to sit next to me on the couch. I tried to pull her onto my lap at first and had to deal with the mocking snickers of my so-called friends as she dodged to my side instead. I put my arm around her shoulders and handed her a joint. Feeling her relax the moment she took it, this is definitely my girl's weakness.

"So Miss Em tell me other than enchanting Rock stars what is it you do?" Drew asks I appreciate him making the effort to get to know her but I feel a stab of jealousy as I catch him eyeing her up.

"As of today I have just finished college so now I have no idea what to.." 

"HEY" we are interrupted by one of her friends shouting across the room. I think her name is Roxy. She barges over " we had a deal no depressing talks about the future tonight! Now take a shot" she says, I like this girl very much.

"Seriously Rox, I was answering a question" Em tries to answer but a chant of "take a shot" fills the room, my band mates also caught up in the revelry.

"Fuck sake" she groans " you can do one too, this is all your fault" she says to Drew he laughs and grabs a shot off of Brodie and passes one to Em

"To you Little Red and your freedom to do anything or anyone you want in the future" he winks at her and necks the shot at the same time as her. They both grimace slightly.

I pull her back to my side after glaring at Drew he just smiles and shakes his head.

"Chill out man, she's your girl, I'm just being friendly" he smirks, wandering off leaving her staring up at me confused.

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