Part 22

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Cappie's POV

When I enter I see Em sitting on the bed on the phone. She gives me a smile and waves when she spots me.  I take a seat on the couch and wait for her to finish.

"Hey" she's smiling at me as she wanders in

"Hello beautiful, everything ok?"

"Of course"

"My friends like you." I tell her and she gives an embarrassed smile. "Just please don't ever get that close to Brodie again. I couldn't even tell you where he's been"

"Aw is someone jealous" she teases. I growl and pull her into a deep kiss. We spend the rest of the day fooling around enjoying each other.

"Tell me about these" I ask, stroking the only ink that adorns my angel's body.

"What? my three little birds" she replies.

"Yeah, you hate birds" I add.

"I don't hate them I just don't like their beady eyes and dinosaur feet." She shudders as she speaks

"So why birds" I ask again even more confused.

"Because it's three Little birds" she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I stare at her blankly.

She rolls her eyes before quietly singing

"Woke up this morning, 

smile with the rising sun.

Three little birds pitched by my doorstep"

"Bob Marley I should of known" I sigh

"I got it after my dad" Emie tells me looking pensive

"You don't have to" I say placing my hand on hers.

"No I want to. He died a year ago, no warning or anything he just had a heart attack and died. He was the greatest. He would have liked you. More than my mum anyway. He always used to look on the bright side of everything as long as his kids and wife were ok he was happy." She sadly tells me

"Sounds like a good man" I tell her 

"He was, he could literally make friends with anyone. Once when I was 16 he offered to show me how to drive and another car ended up going into the back of us. I was so upset about the car crying my eyes  out. He just looked at me and asked if I was hurt which I wasn't. Then he told me to stop crying the car was just metal and could be replaced, but I couldn't so all that mastered was me being ok"

"I'm so sorry you lost him babe" I sigh pulling her close to me

"Me too, but I remember him always playing music in the car and when Three little birds came on he would always sing it to me. After he died my mum let my friend Mischa's cousin do the tattoo for me. She knew I would get it as soon as I turned 18 so she decided to earn some cool parent points."

"Would you get more?" I ask curious to know w

If more ink would adorn this gorgeous woman.

"Of course, before I met you I wanted to be tattoo artist" she admits

"Really? I didn't know that?" I ask with genuine interest.

"Art is like the one thing I am actually good at, I drew my birds" she tells me 

"Makes them even more beautiful" I sigh planting kisses on each of them.

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